Andover After School Program: April 2016

Registration begins May 2

By Diane Adams, AASP

The kids at AASP are finally able to go out and play without full winter gear. Abby Bentzler, Lilly Luicha, Cilla Abrahamson, Anya Chadbourne, and Samantha Upton are really enjoying the sunshine! Caption and photo: Diane Adams

The kids at AASP are finally able to go out and play without full winter gear. Abby Bentzler, Lilly Luicha, Cilla Abrahamson, Anya Chadbourne, and Samantha Upton are really enjoying the sunshine! Caption and photo: Diane Adams

Spring is finally here! After a cold and snowy start to April, the Andover After School Program (AASP) kids are welcoming the wonderful weather.

We are beginning to register new families into AASP. If you have any interest or questions, feel free to stop in or send me an e-mail.

We will be having a “get to know the staff” gathering with milk and cookies on Thursday, June 2, from 3:30 until 4:30 PM. This will give new families the opportunity to see the program in action and take a tour around the building.

We are sad to announce that Becca Lance is moving on. She has taken on a new endeavor, and we are very proud of her. She was an asset to the After School Program and will be missed by all. We are hopeful she will stop in and visit or maybe substitute from time to time. We wish her well.

In April, we had an Easter egg hunt and made flowers, umbrellas, and raindrops. “April showers bring May flowers” was the theme of the month. Everyone was glad to put the sleds away and take out the hoola hoops and sidewalk chalk. We have been spending more time outside and enjoying the wonderful weather.

We will begin accepting new families for registration after Monday, May 2. Registration includes filling in the registration form and emergency form. If your child has had their yearly checkup, we also need a copy of this from your doctor. The state requires a medical update from your doctor every two years in order for us to register your child.

Also, the registration fee is due when the paperwork is turned in. The fee is $30 for one child and $50 for a family.

Questions or concerns? Contact us at 735-6566 or

Happy spring, everyone!