Select Board Minutes, March 21, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy, Dave Blinn, Jim Delaney, Vicky Mishcon

Introduction of Selectman David Blinn

Reorganization Of The Board

Elect chairman: Delaney made the motion for Mishcon to be the new Board chair. Blinn seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. Mishcon is the Board Chairman.

Elect vice-chairman: Mishcon made the motion for Delaney to be the new vice-chairman. Blinn seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. Delaney is the new vice-chairman.

New member, Dave Blinn will be ex officio to the Planning Board and Jim Delaney will continue as the Budget Committee ex officio.

Road Agent Report

Thomson reported the projects they are currently working on.

Gravel at the transfer station is getting ready to crush

Conversion of the fire truck – they are waiting for the drive shaft. It is in the planning process. They found a truck in Lebanon, Maine that has all the parts. Thompson will view and see before the week is over.

The crew is grading roads and putting out gravel on the upper part of Currier Road.

Thompson is not sure how much longer posted road signs will remain posted.

Howard George called Thompson regarding Blackwater Park and the Proctor Cemetery. George will show the highway department how to turn the water on and off at those places.

Highland Lake Bob House Complaint

Blinn viewed the bob-house.The Board discussed and will put it on the “watch list.”

Fire Warden Stephen Barton And Warrant Articles 9 And 10

Steve Barton: Ordered items to outfit truck. Barton negotiated these items in Warrant article 10 for approximately $6,000 less than the $33,160 voted on at Town Meeting. For Article 9, the new price on the lease will be approximately $2,000 more than the voters approved. After Roy discussed this with Department of Revenue Administration (DRA), it was decided that there did not need to be a motion by the board because the warrants were “individual” and not “special” warrant articles and the funds could be interchanged as long as they did not go over what the voters approved. There is sufficient funds between both warrant articles 9 and 10.

American Legion Represented By Lloyd Perreault For Flags At Covered Bridges

Flags for the covered bridge – Post 101 will absorb all costs of putting up two flags (standard 6′ x 4′) on flagpoles on the front of Keniston Bridge, in Cilleyville. The board approved.

If the Board approves paying for a 25′ flag pole and the supplies to put it at Town Hall, the legion will furnish the labor to install it. The preliminary proposal is approximately $474.00 for supplies including the flag pole. Mishcon made a motion to allow the legion to get the final figures. Delaney seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.    

Dan Coolidge From The ZBA

Requested members for the board. The previous board meeting there was not a quorom and the applicant traveled from Jaffrey area. There are two new members, Duncan Coolidge and Todd Goings. Dan urged the board to assist in getting new members.

Primex Proposal

Public Risk Management Exchange – Property Liability

Roy explained that the previous company pulled out from doing these and the Town needs to find a new provider. The coverage currently runs through June 2016.

Primex offers a 10% multi-program discount.

Roy will call other municipal liability companies for comparison.

Delaney made the motion to accept the Primex proposal pending other companies. Mishcon s econded. All in favor. Motion passed.

Tax Deeding – General Discussion

Roy told the Board that the Town Tax Collector will attend next Board of Selectman meeting with the potential properties up for deeding.

Other Business

Recreation Committee member spoke to John Thompson about who will clean up and maintain Blackwater Park Building. The board would like to have the head of the Recreation Department come to meet with the Board of Selectman regarding whether the Town or the Recreation Department is responsible for taking care of the building maintenance.