Wilmot Plaque Commemorates Lives Lost on September 11, 2001

Memorial program on September 11, 2016

Press release
Doug Rayno, left, discusses with Liz Kirby from the Wilmot 9/11 committee and Ed Weaver from the Wilmot Bandstand Committee the placement of a stone that Doug donated. A plaque commemorating the lives lost on September 11, 2001 will be installed on the stone and unveiled at a special memorial program on Sunday, September 11, on the Wilmot Town Green. Photo: Mary Fanelli
Doug Rayno, left, discusses with Liz Kirby from the Wilmot 9/11 committee and Ed Weaver from the Wilmot Bandstand Committee the placement of a stone that Doug donated. A plaque commemorating the lives lost on September 11, 2001 will be installed on the stone and unveiled at a special memorial program on Sunday, September 11, on the Wilmot Town Green. Photo: Mary Fanelli

On Sunday, September 11, at 4 PM, the Town of Wilmot will hold a special memorial program on the Wilmot Town Green in Wilmot Flat to unveil a plaque that commemorates the lives lost in the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

In particular, Wilmot citizens will honor their friend and neighbor, Thelma Cuccinello, who lost her life when the airplane in which she was a passenger was hijacked and crashed into the first of the twin towers in New York City.

The committee coordinating this effort has a goal of raising $900 to cover all expenses of creating the plaque and setting it in a granite stone at the foot of the red maple tree next to the Wilmot bandstand. The tree was given to the town by the US Postal Service and planted in 2002 in memory of Thelma and the other September 11 victims.

Donations with “September 11 Plaque” in the memo line may be sent to the Town of Wilmot, PO Box 72, Wilmot NH 03287.

This proclamation will be read at the ceremony.

Town of Wilmot, New Hampshire
Wilmot Remembering

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, an attack on the United States of America by foreign terrorists suddenly took the lives of many innocent victims; and

Whereas, the citizens of Wilmot, New Hampshire, want all to remember those whose lives were suddenly, without cause, and pointlessly taken from us; and

Whereas, a noble and appropriate way to accomplish this remembrance is to encourage patriotism and advance responsible citizenship and love of country; and

Whereas, one of these innocent victims was Thelma Cuccinello, a resident of Wilmot, New Hampshire; and

Whereas, the United States Postal Service presented to the Town of Wilmot a red maple tree in her honor that was planted on September 11, 2002;

Therefore, be it resolved that the placement of a memorial plaque at this tree, by the citizens of Wilmot, be a reminder to all present and future generations of that horrendous day we will “Never Forget.”

Be it further resolved, that this proclamation be publicized for all to see and know, and that the citizens of Wilmot will remember with eternal respect those whose lives were taken from them on September 11, 2001.

May they forever rest in peace and abide in our memories.

Proclaimed this 11th day of September, 2016.
Town of Wilmot Select Board
Nicholas Brodich
Mary Kay Huntoon
Thomas Schamberg