No One Should Stay Home on November 8

No one should sit out the November 8 election. Even if you aren’t thrilled about candidates at the top of the tickets, there are important races all the way down the ballot that have significant impact on the state and local communities.

There are some very good candidates: notably Mary Anne Broshek running for State Representative (Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury) and David Karrick seeking re-election for State Representative (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, and Webster).

These two have a good history of serving people instead of agendas, of being involved in the communities they wish to represent, and of listening to ideas and opinions of people in their towns.

I urge you to find out more about them and vote on November 8 for Mary Anne and David as well as for other good candidates.

Donald B. Hinman
