Rest of the Town Report: Andover Congregational Church

Andover Congregational is a community church for people of all kinds to seek and serve God in worship, ministries, obedience, and fellowship.

Grounded in the truth of God’s Word, we teach and live the message and insights of the historic, Christian faith, while allowing for differences among believers.

We gather on Sunday morning for worship and continue in more personal weekly groups. These include home discipleship groups for prayer and study, and Tuesday Evenings for Growth and Discovery – including the Alpha course and our “Beta” courses (e.g. Hearing from God).

Most Saturday evenings we had prayer service, and we held joint praise and prayer services with other congregations, women’s and men’s groups, and special Holy Spirit conferences. We are being equipped to use our gifts for the ministries and callings God has given each of us.

During the year: Prayer Teams ministered Sundays after worship; LIFE (for Middle Schoolers) met in the fall in the Grange Hall; singing took place monthly at the Peabody and Mountainview nursing homes; funeral receptions were provided by ladies from the church; and special collections were taken, including the Deacons Fund to assist the needy in our community.

We desire to answer our calling to reach out with God’s love. Sunday worship is at 9:30 AM; seekers and believers, welcome! For information, call 735-5160.