Conservation Commission Minutes, January 10, 2013

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Members Mary Anne Broshek, Larry Chase, Tina Cotton, Jason Dudek, Sandra Graves, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan; guests Amanda Stone and Tim Fleury, UNH Cooperative Extension

1. With guests Amanda and Tim, members discussed how to proceed with the “Taking Action for Wildlife” project, using a step-by-step guide prepared by UNH Cooperative Extension Service. Focusing on some or all of the five potential priority areas in town that were identified at its December meeting, Andover Conservation Commission (ACC) may undertake a variety of outreach activities in the coming year using local media, property-owner mailings, public meetings, and educational projects. Tim volunteered to put together a workshop on best management practices for forestry for the spring. (Note: Amanda sent a follow-up e-mail with her notes on the discussion.)

2. Mary Anne will request a copy of the approved Master Plan so we can be sure the wildlife project is coordinated with the Master Plan.

3. Correspondence: Received copies of two newsletters: “Supply Lines with the Source,” and “The Sampler,” both from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

4. Members voted to nominate Jason Dudek for ACC membership, replacing Harvey Pine. The nomination will be submitted to the Board of Selectmen.

5. Minutes of the 12-12-12 ACC meeting were approved as amended.

6. Tina will provide corrected financial statement.

7. The higher federal tax credit for conservation easements was made retroactive for 2012 and has been extended through 2013. The Land Trust Alliance is working with Congress to make this credit permanent.

8. The State Conservation Commission organization Web site allows towns to set up their own Web page. Jason will contact Carol Andrews to determine how to do this.

9. Old business: Members reviewed a draft of the ACC annual report for the Andover Town Report. Tina will incorporate changes and send to Town Administrator Marj Roy.

10. New business: Members voted Mary Anne to serve as new ACC chair, with Jerry to serve as vice-chair.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM