Andover Congregational Church News, March 2017

By Sandy Miller, Andover Congregational Church

Think Spring! We have had enough snow to please all the skiers and snowmobile enthusiasts! It sure does look pretty, though, when it’s all cleaned up – more of God’s beauty!

The annual Church meeting was held on January 29 and a budget for 2017 of over $119,000 was passed with over $7,000 of this amount designated for Mission giving. Committee reports were heard and new officers were installed. We look forward to a busy, fruitful year.

The Lenten season is underway. We will be holding Communion Services every Wednesday at noontime at the Church from Wednesday, March 8, until Wednesday, April 12. We invite all who can make it to join us for this approximately half hour service. We feel it is one way to give thanks to the Lord for His incredible sacrifice to offer us the gift of salvation.

Opportunities for fellowship and ministry continue: Sunday from 8:30 to 9:20 AM at the Grange Hall, Adult Sunday School currently studying the Book of Acts,  9:30 AM Morning Worship & Children’s Sunday School, Tuesday 7 PM to 8:30 PM: “180 Days Through the Bible”, also at the Grange Hall.

Always feel free to call the Church office at 735-5160, to speak with Pastor John Wagner for more information on what’s going on at the Church or if you need help in any way.

Thought for the day: “Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth – the sense of humor”.