Select Board Minutes: January 3, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, Dave Blinn

Also present were: Bill Keyser, Todd Adams

Road Agent Report:

Work continues on the fire truck conversion

Snow removal and sanding roads have been priority

Lawrence Street walkway is on the schedule

Cemetery Warrant Article

Keyser questioned whether the Board of Selectmen would recommend the Cemetery Committee’s warrant article requesting $30,000 for the cemetery fence. After discussion, the Board recommended that the Cemetery Committee write two warrant articles so that the voters can decide how to pay for the fence. The first warrant article will be to request the full amount of $30, 000. If that fails, the second warrant article, as a back-up, will be a two-year plan requesting $15, 000 each year to accumulate the funds for the fence. Keyser will talk to the Cemetery Committee members tomorrow and have the information for the warrant article to the Board by Friday.

Chaffee Park Winter Damage

Todd Adams spoke to the Board about the damage at the beach and the road over by the beach. Vehicles are driving in an area where it is not meant for vehicular traffic. There is a specific spot where the road is deteriorating. Thompson will barricade the area to block vehicular traffic to the beach.

Additionally, there is a bob-house illegally on the beach again. This is the same bob-house at issue last spring.

Library Ramp

The company who is currently doing the masonry work on the Town Hall building foundation estimated that the cost to replace the handicapped ramp at the Library will be approximately $15,000. The Board will look for other alternatives and additional estimates.

Snowmobile Club Temporary Sign Request

Lisa Meier, Secretary of the Snowmobile Club, contacted Roy for approval to put out a temporary large sign again in front of the Town Hall. The Board discussed options for displaying this large temporary sign in places other than in front of the Town Hall for weeks. After the Board discussed other options, Delaney made the motion that all future temporary signs for functions or events be displayed on the Town Green, for not more than two weeks, with no flashing lights, and to include the venue. Delaney made the motion. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Roy will contact Meier with the Board’s decision.