Select Board Minutes: February 2, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, and Dave Blinn Also present were John Thompson and Chief Glenn Laramie

Condon’s Culvert System Dam on Emery Road: Laura Condon called Delaney and then Mishcon prior to this meeting regarding the culvert system dam on her mother’s (Marsha Condon) property. She would like the Board to support Senate Bill 772 which provides protection from aggressive state oversight when not needed and preserves the rights of the town and the property owner. Basically, in this case, it says, that the State cannot classify a dam as a menace unless the Town’s local governing body voted on it by a majority vote, as being a menace first.

The State, DES Dam Bureau contacted the Condon’s in August 2015 and indicated that they reviewed the culvert system dam and determined that the classification should be changed from non-menace to low hazard. Additionally, they assessed an annual fee of $400. Laura would like the Board to write a letter to effectively reclassify their dam back to non-menace thus relieving her mother of the $400 yearly fee.

After the Board’s discussion, Mishcon made a motion to support the language in Senate bill 772 that will not allow the State to classify a dam as low hazard without the Town first voting on it being a low hazard. Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed

Mishcon made a second motion to not take any action to change the Condon’s culvert system dam classification from low hazard to non-menace given the fact that if the dam failed, the structure of the road would be damaged. Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed

Road Agent

Truck Conversion – Thompson reported that the truck conversion is going well. They are wiring the headlights and working on the wings. When the snow storm clean up is finished, they will complete the dump body and that wiring. The next step is to call for an inspection.

Highland Lake Dam – The State sent a letter indicating a list of regular maintenance that needs to be done. Thompson agreed with the regular maintenance list.

Kenniston Bridge – Thompson will order two E-2 bridge signs for the bridge.

Town Admnistrator Report:

Green Crow/Nick Brunet – Brunet indicated that he would be willing to donate the materials and labor to make a parking lot/area on Route 4 at Green Crow with access for kayaks to the Blackwater River. Brunet already needs to raise up the level in that area and the work could be done at the same time.

Roy will contact Brunet to find out exactly what he wants. As the property owner, Brunet should be the person to contact the State for access.

Roy will ask Brunet to tape the area he wants to use and have the Road Agent look at the area for suggestions of what should be done. Having Burnet and Thompson meet and discuss this might be helpful.

Proposed Budget and Warrant Articles- The Budget committee agreed with the Board of Selectmen on everything this year on the budget with the exception of the $30, 000 for the fence at Lake View Cemetery and the $10, 000 for the July 4th Committee. Everything else was in agreement between the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee’s proposals.

There are two petitioned warrant articles. One is to purchase a backhoe for the town. The second one is for Monticello Road. After discussion on the second petitioned warrant article, Roy will contact the town attorney for a legal ruling to determine whether the Monticello Road extension is a town road or a private road.

Personnel Policy Handbook Revisions – Roy advised the Board that they need to put the personnel policy handbook on the work agenda in the near future. Roy will give each member a copy of the current handbook for their review prior to the work session.

Cell tower – Mark Stetson told Roy that he would be able to give her other town lease agreements for their review.

Community Group – the group who purchased the old town hall building are in the process of scheduling to meet with each board in town for their input. The group would like to meet with the Board of Directors for the Andover Beacon soon to discuss their space needs.

Correspondence and Signatures:

Comcast – Received a packet of copies of notices that were sent by Comcast to the Attorney General’s Office. These were copies of notices sent to each Comcast consumer. These notices are required by law.

Department of Revenue Administration – DRA notified the Town that the equalization rate for 2016 was 103.4%

School Health Trust Insurance – signed by the Chair.