13th Annual Choose Franklin Community Day Scheduled for May 13

Parade starts at 10 AM

Press Release

Plans are underway for the Thirteenth Annual Choose Franklin Community Day, co-sponsored by Franklin Savings Bank, Franklin Regional Hospital and Woodmen Financial Services (Sheryl Duford) with media sponsor Mix 94.1 FM, the event will take place on Saturday, May 13.

The event will begin with a parade at 10 AM which will step off at Franklin High School and proceed easterly to downtown turning on Smith Street and ending at Odell Park. This year’s theme is “Building Community”.

A fair will be held at Odell Park from 10 AM to 3 PM and will include vendors, crafts, food, games, amusements and entertainment. This year, downtown merchants will extend the day sponsoring additional activities including an Art Scavenger Hunt, BBQ, food trucks, business specials, tiny house model to explore and much more.

If you are a crafter, local businessperson or member of an organization who would like to participate in the fair and/or the parade, please contact Marcia Rollins at 934-3108 ext. 4420, Krystal Alpers at 934-2118 or download a Participation Form at   sau18.org/community_day.cfm.

Remember to sign up soon, after April 21 a $10 late fee will be assessed if space is available.