Andover School Board Minutes: August 8, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Board Members  Present: Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Mark Heller and Annie MacKenzie

   Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton        and Judith Turk.

Public Present: Tina Cotton

Minutes of Previous Meetings:

For the Public Session  of June 6, 2017.   Dean motioned to accept the minutes and Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

Public Comment:None


Board Chairperson’s Report:

Michelle welcomed everyone back for the new school year.


Principal’s Report;  See attached


Old Business:

AE/MS Building Project Update: Mark M stated that Conneston Construction Company (CCI) has been hired for the AE/MS Building Project. Continued planning and preparation is taking place for construction to begin next spring.

Financial arrangements are in progress.

Educational opportunities will be provided throughout the process.

Dean suggested that a connection is made with those involved for the next Share Day.

Jane stated that the building will be unavailable for any functions or activities next summer.


New Business: None


Manifest Journal Entries;

Motion made and seconded and all were in favor and the journal entries were approved.


Superintendent’s Report;

Mark M expressed enthusiasm for the newly hired staff and stated that they will have a great impact on AE/MS.

An administrative retreat is slated for Thursday and Friday, 8/10 and 8/11. Our Vision, Strong Leadership and a Common Direction for the Merrimack Valley School District will be some of the areas of focus.

Mark M recently attended an Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C., collaborating with regional and national superintendents along with meeting with state representatives and senators. He was able to confer with Senator Maggie Hassan and discussed several issues relating to federal grant funding concerns and the impact on New Hampshire education.


Assistant Superintendent’s Report;

Randy stated that he is very excited to be on board and looks forward to working with both teachers and students in the schools.