Andover Budget Committee Meeting Schedule

By Arch Weathers, Budget Committee

The Andover Budget Committee has scheduled the following meetings for preparation of the town budget for the next year. .

10/2/17 Monday Joint Meeting with Selectboard

11/15/17 Wednesday Department Presentations:

Andover Village District

Andover Fire Department

East Andover Fire, Cemetery

11/29/17 Wednesday Department Presentations:




12/13/17 Wednesday Department presentations:


Transfer Station

Other: Library, Cons. Commission

01/10/18 Wednesday School Budget Presentation

01/17/18 Wednesday Public Hearing-School


01/31/18 Wednesday Town, Fire, Precinct Budget presentation

02/07/18 Wednesday Public Hearing-Town Budget (Town, Precincts, District)

02/14/18 Wednesday School Budget Deliberation

2nd Public Hearing-Town if needed

02/20/18 Tuesday Additional Public Hearing-Petitioned Warrant Articles (if necessary)

02/21/18 Wednesday Deliberate/Finalize Town Budget (6:30PM)

Forward Town Budget to Selectboard

Monday March 5 School Meeting – 6:30PM

Tuesday March 13 Town Meeting