Andover Conservation Commission Minutes August 9, 2017

Present: Jerry Hersey, Tina Cotton, Larry Chase (alternate), and Jesse Schust. (Meeting start was delayed while we arranged for Larry to attend in order to achieve quorum).

Minutes: Finalized July minutes were not presented at meeting. We will vote on them at next meeting, but no major corrections were needed.


Chatter, Newsletter from ASLPT, Summer 2017.

Letter from UNH Cooperative Extension, July 25, 2017: notification that Emerald Ash Borer has been found within three miles of Andover, with recommendations for preparation actions that can limit the spread of the Borer. (We will continue to post information on this on Town Hall bulletin board).

From the New Hampshire DES, Supply Lines newsletter and Environmental News.

Procedural: For the purposes of this meeting, Jerry designated Larry Chase (alternate) as a voting member.

Bradley Lake logging: As we have discussed in previous meetings, a logging road is being made in preparation for logging in the White/Bendixen land on the far side of Bradley Lake. We reviewed tax maps and other conservation maps to better understand the location of the road and the potential impacts. Jerry and Tina have seen the logging road. It appears that there is erosion and some culvert installations that could cause more erosion and inhibit wildlife passage. The DES has been notified and is looking into the matter. Permits have not been filed and a cease and desist order has been put into place until the permits have been granted. We discussed the need to notify various bodies to determine whether they need to be involved. Specifically, the water precinct, the Planning Board, the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (because the project uses a road through the Reiner Easement), and Select Board. It is not clear at this time which of these bodies may have jurisdiction or concern about the logging road work.

We discussed the possibility of sending a draft letter submitted by Mary Anne Broshek expressing concerns about the potential environmental impact of the Bradley Lake logging Road. We voted to approve an amended letter. Tina proposed and Larry seconded; all were in favor. We will send the amended letter to Mary Anne, who, as the Chair of the Conservation Commission, will have the option of sending it to the landowners.

Emerald Ash Borer: Tina noted that Andover already has the borer and ash trees are dying.

Jerry made a motion to adjourn, Tina seconded and all were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9 PM.