Andover Planning Board Minutes September 12, 2017

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Randall Costa, Vice-Chair; Paul Currier; Art Urie; Doug Phelps, and David Blinn, Ex-Officio

Also present for duration of appropriate items: Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator; Pat Moyer, Zoning & Planning Coordinator; Tabitha Lemellin; Amee Sweet-McNamara; Bob Merrill; Paul Sears; Brenda Godwin; Jim Godwin

Minutes of August 7, 2017

Phelps – Motion to approve as amended

Currier – Second

Vote – Unanimous

Announcements / Correspondence

Updated Planning Board forms will be posted on the town Website.

Costa continues working on the Subdivision Regulations.

Zoning Administrator

Powers was contacted by a town resident that displays and sells crafts at craft fairs and farmers markets and is considering displaying items at home and inquired as to whether she would need to go through Site Plan Review. Teach advised she should come before the board for a non-binding consultation.

A complaint was received pertaining to too many vehicles at the Signor shop in Cilleyville.

219 Flaghole Road.  A letter from DES was received indicating a plan; however, no Certificate for Construction was received. The property owner presented the Certificate for Construction and building permit to Dave.

Non-Binding Consultation: 115 Beech Hill Road (AR Zone) – Amee Sweet-McNamara regarding home occupation

Sweet-McNamara operates a business called Amee Runs with Scissors which is a textile embellishment operation. She is a member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsman and hosts on-line classes world-wide; has written books on the subject and also has short videos available for viewing. She is contemplating purchasing the home at 115 Beech Hill Road if the Zoning Ordinance allows the business to operate as a home occupation. It was asked if she would host classes at the home and the response was no; how does she get deliveries and the response was UPS, FedEx or USPS – there will be no motor freight deliveries; will she have retail sales and the response was no. The board reviewed the definition of home occupation in the Ordinance and found that the proposed business meets with all the requirements of the Andover Zoning Ordinance. A completed home occupation registration form was accepted by the board.

Boundary Line Adjustment – Pierre Bedard – for Kenneth Grant 306 Bradley Lake Road TM 06, Lot 278-561 and Kathleen Sears 314 Bradley Lake Road Tax Map 06, Lot 283-539 (FA District)

The Boundary Line Adjustment was not acted on as the board did not receive an application and the petitioner did not appear. A non-binding consultation was held with Paul Sears, representative for Kathleen Sears. According to Mr. Sears there is a longstanding disagreement between the two owners on the location of the common boundary between the two lots. The Board explained to Mr. Sears that in order for the Planning Board to consider an application for a boundary line adjustment, there must be agreement between the owners as to the location of the boundary in question.

Site Suitability – 1 Potters Road (AR Zone) for Dylan Gourtney

Dylan was not present at the meeting; therefore, the board did not act on the site suitability.

Non-Binding Consultation: 213 Bradley Lake Road for Jim Godwin

Godwin explained that the lot is in the AR district and the Godwins would like to subdivide about two acres containing the existing dwelling from the fifty acre lot and build a new dwelling on the remaining forty-eight acres, or possibly create a three lot subdivision with two similar lots for dwellings and a larger remainder lot. Discussion took place of the requirements for 250 feet of public road frontage for each lot, and the requirement that lots created by subdivision must have a depth no greater than four times the road frontage length. The option of building a road to town standards to attain necessary frontage was discussed. The board advised that a survey with a conceptual subdivision plan will be needed and once a plan is prepared, Godwin should come before the board for another non-binding consultation.