Holiday Craft Workshops Offered at The Andover Hub

Dinnerware Decopage classes offered

By Susan Chase

Those who would like to try their hand at “dinnerware decoupage,” the craft of using fabric applied to glass dishes to make decorative dinnerware, will have the opportunity to learn the technique on Saturday, November 11, and Saturday, December 2, 2 to 4 PM, at The Andover Hub, 157 Main Street.

Andover resident Heidi Clasby, whose new business, Clasby Creations, has just joined forces with The Constant Quilter on the corner of Route 11 and Pancake Road in Andover, will teach the classes at The Hub. To learn more about what one should bring to the workshop and to register, interested residents may email Heidi at no later than November 9 for the first workshop and November 30 for the second workshop. The fee for each workshop is $20 plus the cost of one or more clear glass plates or glasses ($3.50 for a dinner-sized plate, $2 for a wine glass) and a small piece of fabric.

A variety of holiday-themed and other fabrics will be available at the workshops for participants to choose from, or they can stop in at The Constant Quilter ahead of time to pick out a fabric of their choice from the wider selection in stock there.