Andover School Board Meeting, October 3, 2017

Condensed from Approved Minutes

Roll Call and Call to Order:   The Andover School Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Michelle Dudek, Call Board Chair.

Board Members  Present:  Michelle Dudek, Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Annie MacKenzie and Mark Heller

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

 Public Present: Tina Cotton, Sarah Edmunds for the public session of September 5, 2017

Minutes of Previous Meeting :

 Brian motioned to accept the minutes and Dean made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the Non-Public Session  of September 5, 2017, Dean motioned to accept the minutes and Annie made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

Public Comment:  None

Financial Report:  Robin presented the current budget figures.  Mark H motioned to accept the Financial Report, Brian made the second.  All were in favor and the report was approved.

Board Chairperson’s Report:  Michelle stated that the Open House went well and that the community was receptive regarding the new combined K-8 format.

Principal’s Report:   Jane updated the ASB on current and pending school events including the school wide Only One You Project, Hurricane Victim Donations, Lego/Robotics Groups, Walk to School Day, Willy Wonka Auditions, Math Night and Professional Development Day for AEMS staff.

Old Business:  

 AEMS Building Project Update:  Mark M stated that things are currently on schedule and on budget.  The focus has been on construction documents and engineering meetings. Bids are expected to go out in December.

New Business:

AEA Negotiations:  Robin noted an attached letter addressed to the ASB from the Andover Education Association Negotiation Committee requesting meeting dates.  The dates have been set.  

Manifest Journal Entries Signing:  Mark H moved to approve the signing of the manifest/journal entries.  Dean made the second.  All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.

Superintendent’s Report:  

Workshops/Conferences: Mark M summarized some workshops/conferences that he and Randy have attended in recent weeks.  He spoke about the Teach Point Evaluation System for teachers and the professional development component that will allow professional staff to connect their goals to the opportunities that they pursue along with the tracking of these events towards recertification.

New Student Information System: He also detailed the exploration of a potential new student information system that will consolidate several communication tools.  He noted that at the recent Merrimack Valley High School Homecoming, several Andover students were enthusiastically engaged and connected to the MVHS culture. Discussion took place regarding the new state assessment system that will emerge in the spring.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report:   Randy elaborated on the good things that he sees happening in Andover.  He has been involved in pursuing grants to financially support the Robotics Program which is underway at AEMS.

Adjournment:  Mark H moved to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. and Dean made the second.  All were in favor, meeting adjourned.