Select Board Minutes December 18, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes:
Members Present: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Selectboard, Chair; Jim Delaney and Dave Blinn, Selectboard. Also present were Road Agent, John Thompson; and Police Chief Joseph Mahoney.
Present for Josh Gee’s issue were: Kaitlin Hurley, Christine Raby, Zach Barton, Laura Hallahan, Chris Caron, Chuck Keyser, and David Barton
JOSH GEE – 254 Currier Road : Enforcement Letter
Mishcon reviewed the timeline from where these issues began that led to the enforcement letter addressed to Gee. The concerns were initially with Gee living in a trailer without an occupancy permit, the water run off which DES investigated, and the placement of the driveway being too close to his neighbor, Zach Barton’s property.
Mishcon reviewed the investigation letter from DES to Gee which stated there were no violations at the time of the investigation, but also that going forward, whatever work Gee has done on the property cannot impact the wetlands. The DES letter goes on to say that they reserve the right to reopen the investigation. In closing, the DES letter states that at this time, there are no violations under RSA: 48:2-a regarding a wetland permit and the investigation is closed.   
Mishcon went onto say that Gee met with Roy and stated that he is willing to work with the town. Mishcon reiterated that Gee is no longer living in the trailer.
Mishcon stated that the driveway is required by zoning ordinance, to be 15 feet away from the abutting neighbor. Mishcon asked Gee if the driveway could be altered. Gee said yes. Mishcon asked if there was a property survey. According to Zach Barton, the property has been surveyed twice.  
Delaney was still concerned about the water runoff further up on the property, about one thousand feet, that needs to be addressed. Gee agreed that in the spring, he will work on it. At the time, Gee thought he fixed the issue. Gee agreed to take out the culvert and do whatever the Town requires him to do to take care of the problem.
The Board requested Thompson to review the issue. Thompson indicated, that the end result of how to fix it, will be to address where the water ends up. Gee is willing to do whatever Zach Barton needs to be done to correct the silt coming onto his property. Zach Barton indicated that there was not a water issue until Gee put in the driveway. Gee again stated that if he could fix it tomorrow, he would; that he is willing to take care of the problem within reason.
The Board suggested that Gee put a plan in writing with a general timeline as a good faith effort. Barton would like to see best management practice in place. Once Gee and Barton have an agreement between them in place, the Board is willing to review the agreement. The Board requested that the agreement be notarized.
Road Agent Report:
For the most part, the highway crew has been plowing and sanding. The 6-wheeler is fixed and is also plowing.
Elbow Pond Road – Only the regular pickup trucks are plowing here and using the turn-around at the Schnare’s driveway by the house.  
Morrill Hill Road Bridge – The issue has been the battling of the water from the October storm. The Board discussed meeting with Hoyle and Tanner at Town Hall on Thursday after 3 PM. The Board and Thompson agreed to meet at that time. Thompson asked whether they can also discuss Elbow Pond Road. Roy will call and ask if that can also  take place  on Thursday.
Last Street Bridge – This is the last project on the list and when it warms up, it will be taken care of.
Morrill Hill Road Bridge: Change Order
Roy told the Board the Change Order has been approved by DOT. The extra cost of $7200.00 is due to the work that had to be done from the October flooding. Some of the work included resetting the silt fence, additional stone, sandbagging and 12” pump to remove water from the area.
The Board will hold a work session on Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 10 AM.  for the highway budget. This will be done before the meeting at 3 PM with Hoyle and Tanner.


Lenny Caron:
Lenny explained that he has four (4) properties that he believes that are taxed too high. Caron reviewed those properties with the Board. Roy pointed out that the properties have not been assessed since 2013. Roy will contact Avitar and have them come out to inspect the properties Afterwards, if Caron would like to file for an abatement with the Town for the 2016 taxes, he can do so.
Caron also discussed the Buzwell’s property on Route 11 that the Town tax deeded in 2013. Caron explained that he has an investment in that property. It was done piece by piece back in the early 2000’s with Phil Buzzwell. At one point, there was piece of that property annexed to Caron’s property. Roy will do some investigating into the issue and find out what options available. Caron would like to purchase the property by paying the back property taxes.


Braley Agreement and Release:
Roy presented the Board with the agreement and release and informed the Board that it was reviewed by Town Counsel. The Board reviewed it and all three Board members signed the agreement and release.


Statement of Board’s Review of Financial Policies:
Roy indicated that all policies have remained the same and there are no changes. As required to do yearly, the Board reviewed the following policies: 1) Cash Management Policy

2) Fraud Prevention Policy 3) Investment Policy

4) Fund Balance Policy
Having reviewed the four policies as required, Mishcon made the motion to accept and authorize finding the policies acceptable. Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.


Brian Main, AIA Resume
Main submitted his resume to possibly assist in setting up and re-designing the Transfer Station.
MIshcon received a Thank You note from Steven Wright who New London hired to do a study of their Transfer Station. Mishcon spoke to Wright about the differences between Andover and New London’s Transfer Station. Wright offered his assistance. Roy will contact New London’s Town Administrator to find out what their study cost.
Encumbrance Funds:
1) Morrill Hill Road Bridge $446, 484.11

The bridge will not be opened this winter due to the October Flooding. The money will be spent next year.
2) Highway Block Grant SB $ 86,000.00

The Board decided to err on the side of caution since there was a question as to whether the money needed to be encumbered or not.  A difference in opinions. The money is required to be used on a new highway project.
3) Cemetery Projects $   1, 200.00

This is for stone repair and is included in the last budget totaling $17, 409.00 submitted.
4) The library has no funds that need to be encumbered this year.

Correspondence and Signatures:
1. TDS – Roy received a letter informing of the increase in fees/adjustments starting on January 1, 2018.
2. DHHS – Letter from the Food Service Department indication they reviewed the floor plan of the Blackwater Diner. They will be out to inspect it after the owner contacts them to schedule the inspection.
Delaney made the motion to enter into Non-Public Session. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. Roll call vote:
Mishcon:   YES Delaney:   YES Blinn:   YES
Closed public meeting at 7:45 PM Opened non-public session at 7:45 PM. Closed non-public session at 7:55 PM.

Re-opened public meeting at 7:55 PM
Closed public meeting at 7:55 PM. Opened non-public session at 7:55 PM. Closed non-public session at 8:10 PM Re-opened public meeting at 8:10 PM.
Closed public meeting at 8:10 PM. Opened non-public session at 8:10 PM Closed non-public session at 8:30 PM. Re-opened public meeting at 8:30 PM.
Closed public meeting at 8:30 PM Opened non-public session at 8:30 PM Closed non-public session at 8:405 PM Re-opened public meeting at 8:40 PM

Adjournament:  8:40 PM

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary