AE/MS S.H.A.R.E. Day is Friday May 11

Community members invited to share talents

By Gisela Darling

This year’s  S.H.A.R.E  Day (See How the Arts Reaches Everyone)  will take place on Friday,  May 11.  This special day,  which is celebrated at the Andover Elementary/ Middle School since 1989,  brings artists, craftspeople and musicians from Andover and surrounding communities into the classrooms to offer workshops to the students at the school.

The school would like to invite community members to share their talents  by offering a workshop in a craft or arts related hobby.  Workshops in the past have ranged from basket making to weaving.  Different  sports workshops also have been offered to the students.
Volunteers are also needed to assist the workshop leaders or help the lower grades with their activities.

Sign-up forms will be available at the school meeting and/or town meeting and at the school.
Please call Gisela Darling at 735-5681,  e-mail address: (workshop coordinator) or Jane Slayton (735-5494) at the school if you need more information or would like to help.  All workshops need to be in place at the beginning of April, to allow time for the information to be sent home and students to make their choices before April vacation.