Planning Board, February 12, 2013

By Lisa Meier. Recording Secretary

February 12

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Jon Warzocha, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach; Pat Moyer; Don Gould; Wood Sutton; and Harvey Pine, alternate.

Also present for duration of appropriate items: Roger Kidder, Andover Building Inspector.

Announcements / Correspondence

Warzocha indicated he had received a request for the Planning Board to provide a letter indicating that a specific piece of property cannot be subdivided. More information is to be e-mailed to Warzocha for the Board to review.

Warzocha and Gould received telephone calls regarding a property line dispute. Warzocha advised the caller to contact a surveyor.

Andover Building Ordinance Repeal

The Beacon article pertaining to the repeal of the Building Ordinance was distributed and reviewed. The following items need to be addressed if the Building Ordinance is repealed:

  • Front and side setbacks
  • Building height
  • Off-street parking
  • Septic systems
  • Shoreland Protection Act for waterfront property
  • Knowledge of width of right-of-way