Selectboard 2/20/18 Approved Minutes

By Patricia Moyer

Meeting convened at 6:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn, Select Board; and John Thompson, Road Agent. Jim Delaney of the Select Board was not present due to him being the Ex-Officio for the Budget Committee who were meeting at the same time.
Also Present were: Herbie Barton and Peter Sanborn
Thompson reported that the Highway Department has been battling with the weather conditions. The roads are icing and at this point are muddy. The crew has been out with the grader trying to control the water issues on the roads.  They have also worked on several roads that intersect with Route 11 to make the visibility better.
Clarks delivered another batch of sand to White Oak Pit.
Mishcon indicated that she received a question from the Chair of the Conservation Commission who wants to know if the Road Agent will honor the buffer while he is excavating at the Transfer Station near Bog Pond. Thompson stated that he will honor whatever the agreement was regarding the buffer. Thompson will meet with Jesse Schust to view and let him know what work is being done in that area.
Blinn questioned whether there has been any communication from the Department of Transportation regarding the White Oak situation. Roy responded by saying that she spoke to Town Counsel and he advised the ball in in the State’s court. Blinn feels that if the State continues to delay this process, he would be willing to author a letter to the State.  
Sanborn stated that he is requesting to build a residence on his property on Morey Hill Road. Sanborn acquired the property through his mother from his grandparents. The parcel consists of seventeen acres.  The entire parcel is surrounded by Class VI roads, including Morey Hill, Twist Hill, and Dawes Roads.
Sanborn spends time on the property when the weather permits him to do so. Eventually, Sanborn would like to live there in a year-round residence. Sanborn cleaned out the cellar hole from a home that burnt down years ago. Sanborn does not know when that home burnt down.
The Board explained both the State Law and the Zoning Ordinance regarding building a residence ona  Class VI Road. Mishcon asked for the Road Agent’s opinion and what his thoughts were. Thompson stated that Sanborn has maintained the road in that area very nicely and he can’t see where there would be any hinderance with a home being built on that parcel.
The Board explained that although State law and Andover’s Zoning Ordinance recommend against building a residence on a Class VI Road, there is an avenue to pursue in order for the possibility of building a year-round residence on such a property.  

Sanborn already met briefly with the Planning Board who in turn sent him to the Select Board. Mishcon explained that although the process is a circular method, this is how the process works. Now that Sanborn has received the information from the Select Board, he now must be scheduled again with the Planning Board for them to give him an advisory opinion for the Select Board. After Sanborn meets with the Planning Board, the next step is for Sanborn to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception to build a residence in the Farming and Agricultural Zoning District. If the Special Exception is granted, then Sanborn will go before the Select Board again to see if they will give him a permit to build a residence on that parcel.  
Barton was very upset because he felt that the information he received that John Thompson saved the Town $8, 000.00 for the incomplete Old College Road project was incorrect. Barton was referring to a worksheet that the Board sent to the Budget Committee for their work on the Town budget. Barton felt it was unfair of the Board to favor Thompson in the running for the Road Agent position with that type of information that was incorrect. Blinn explained the purpose of the worksheet was only something for the Budget Committee to work from. The worksheet was not handed out to the public as Barton perceived. Additionally, Blinn explained that the worksheet was put together long before Barton decided to run for Road Agent as a write-in candidate.
After the Board reviewed the February 5, 2018 Minutes, Blinn made the motion to accept and approve the February 5, 2018 minutes as amended. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. The February 5, 2018 Minutes were approved as amended.
Current Use – Map 4-291-345 for Durgin signed by Blinn and Mishcon
Veteran’s Tax Credit – Map 4-197-130 for Maynard signed by Blinn and Mishcon
Hoyle and Tanner – Lawrence Street Bridge – Blinn made the motion to authorize Mishcon to sign the acceptance of the Engineering Study Phase/Scope of the Work Proposal for the Board. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. Mishcon signed the Engineering Study Proposal for the Lawrence Street Bridge.
Roy handed out the following information to the Board for their review:
Primex Webinar –  Roy attended this presentation. Roy handed out a four-page informational sheet dealing with Interns and Volunteers for insurance purposes
Lenny Caron, Select Board Candidate – Prior to the meeting, Caron gave Roy a newspaper article from April 23, 1996 for the Board’s review
Town Warrant Information – Roy explained that she expected to have the final version of the Town Meeting Warrant for tonight’s meeting. However, it is not fully completed due to

computer issues. For some reason, Roy’s computer exported an older version of the paperwork. Roy has been in touch with Mainstay who remoted in and is attempting to fix the issues. Roy will contact the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) in the morning. As soon as the issues are resolved, Roy will contact the Select Board for their review and signatures. The deadline is Monday, February 26, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

The Board entered into Non-Public Session by Roll Call Vote at 7:25 p.m.
Mishcon     Yes Blinn     Yes

Closed Public Meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Opened Non-Public Session at 7:25 pm.    Closed Non-Public Session at 8:20 pm.                                                     Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:20 p.m.


After reviewing the Minutes from last year’s Town Meeting, Mishcon found a mistake in Article 3 that asks the Town to vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1, 636, 918 for general municipal operations. The vote count is noted as 71 for and 62 against. Mishcon clearly remembered that this was not correct because it was the first time she can ever remember that the vote was unanimous. There was not a hand count on Article 3. Mishcon stated that this needs to be corrected and have the information documented correctly as this is an important historical document. Mishcon will contact the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Joanna Sumner, who wrote the Minutes for that Town Meeting. Mishcon will also follow up with Charlie Darling of the Beacon.

Delaney entered the meeting at 8:15 p.m.  He reported that the Budget Committee is ready to accept the budget with the exception of the $35, 000.00 gap. Delaney believes that the Budget Committee will be able to make that reduction in the budget quickly. The Board will discuss with the appropriate parties the suggested reduction in their budget to rectify the $35, 000.00.

Delaney made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary