Andover Conservation Commission April 10, 2018 Minutes

Press Release

Andover Conservation Commission
April 10, 201       Final Minutes

Members Present: Mary Anne Broshek (MAB), Nan Kaplan, Jerry Hersey, Tina Cotton, Jesse Schust, Alan McIntyre

Minutes: Jerry made a motion to approve the March minutes with small corrections/additions, Nan seconded, and all were in favor.  

NHDES Complete Forestry Notification in response to Wetlands Minimum Impact Forestry Notification for map 35, lots 105,355 and 418


ASLPT Reminder for membership renewal


A member of the community shared correspondence that came to them from a Cell Phone (Vortex) company seeking a site to put up an additional cell tower.  Jesse reported that his parents received a similar letter earlier in the year.

Renewal of memberships:
Nan made a motion that we pay the dues to ASLPT (Alan seconded) all were in favor. $100 membership dues will be paid to ASLPT (Mary Anne will do this).


Additionally, Jesse made a motion we pay membership dues to the NHACC, Nan seconded and all were in favor.

ASLPT Update:
Outreach Committee will hold a workshop on conservation easement options for landowners at

7 PM on May 10 at Warner Town Hall.


In late May, Tracy Library will hold an event about New Tax Law and Charitable Giving.  


Tim Fleury reported on encouraging people to create trails for wildlife.


At meeting of Conservation Commission Chairs one of the main topics of conversation was off road vehicles (ORVs), which are being used in ways that create problems for conserved lands in several towns.  Warner’s Mink Hills are experiencing significant problems and there are a range of ideas on how best to address the issue.

Proctor Pond Dredging:
Alan shared his favorable views of the project.

Salisbury Water Testing Event
We will put up posters about this event on May 8.  There is a separate water quality event occurring on May 10 at the WCA in Wilmot.

Bog Pond
John Thompson (Road Agent) has told Jesse that (currently) they will be working at the back of the transfer station but they will not be excavating any new material (only removing previously excavated material).  Before removing new material, John will meet with Jesse to discuss and clarify the plan for excavation of material.


Nan will organize a visit to Bog Pond by the ACC.


Jesse will re-investigate permanent markers for Bog Pond wetland Boundary.
Jesse will check with one of the local landowners to see if Alan can access Bog Pond for educational opportunities.

Wetlands Ordinance
Jesse will contact Sandy Crystall to prepare draft of wetlands ordinance-.  He will invite Tina and Alan to meet about this. Jesse will create a work plan with major due dates.

An issue with Bradley Lake logging access was mentioned in the April Beacon.  We will find out more from John Thompson.  There is also concern about potential erosion and runoff into wetlands at the corner of Bay Road and Route 11.  Apparently in previous times, Bill Bardsley and Mark Stetson sometimes used to check the sites when they received “Intent to Cut” notifications.
MAB will check with BOS on Intents to cut and notification to CC.

Forestry Lands
Jerry is in contact with Tim Fleury.  Jesse announced that we have been offered free membership to the Timberland Owners Association.  We agreed that this will be helpful and Jesse will pursue this.
Jerry spoke with Pat Moyer about the 21 acres of town land off Tucker Mountain Road. ,16-727-277,which was the result of a previous subdivision.  There is no public access, but we will speak to one of the adjoining landowners to seek permission for access in order to monitor the land.


Drone Company
Jesse will contact the board of Selectman in order to find out who best to contact.

Culverts meeting with BOS
Stacy Luke will meet with the Board of Selectman about the culvert assessments and next steps.

Beaver Deceivers
Skip Lisle will be giving a presentation in Bradford on April 20.
Stacy Luke hopes to be working on a possible workshop for Beaver Deceivers in Andover.

Planning for 2018 (for next meeting MAB suggested we come with projected dates)
Website article and continued improvements – perhaps Larry Chase would be able to help?
Forestry Workshop – Jerry (Sept/October)
Update NRI- Tina
Wetlands workshop /Jay Aube – Mary Anne (this would invite people widely)
Impact of Climate Change in NH- multi town program? – Alan and Jesse (Summer?)
Training DOT on Beaver Deceivers – Nan (combine with MCCD workshop??)
Bat conservation and education- Alan (Mary Anne will provide contact info)
Trail around Fenvale- Proctor Community Service Project – Alan- planned for Fall

Town Clean Up Week
MAB will pick up the bags and put bags at Town Hall & Transfer Station.  MAB will ensure that the Beacon has an article highlighting the process for Town Cleanup Week.

Other Actions
Send new CC website link to Larry to use for Beacon article – Mary Anne
Prepare draft of wetlands info sheet for building permits – Mary Anne
Contact Mike Vercellotti re how Bradley Lake water testing results are shared – Mary Anne
Set up a date to visit the Bradford Bog – Nan
Select date in May for CC Bog Pond walk – Alan (what is best route to access it?)
Begin planning for a public visit to Bog Pond – Nan
Attend meeting with Stacy Luke if called – Nan
Future Beacon article on Proctor pond dredging – Alan
Continue with updates to website – all CC members to keep sending comments to Alan
Put up posters/advertise Salisbury water testing event- all
Upcoming 4/25 site visit to Cell tower – all who are able to attend

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.