From Karate to Crafts to Tai Chi:  Fall Programs at The Andover Hub

Press Release

After an August break, The Andover Hub is back in gear with classes and individual services of various kinds.  The Hub is located at 157 Main Street (next to Pizza Chef) in the 1879 building that was Andover’s original town hall.   

Karate Classes for Kids and Adults Tiger Mountain Shotokan Karate offers ongoing karate classes on Mondays for girls and women as well as boys and men, either beginning or continuing karate.  Kids ages six to eight, 4:45 to 5:45 PM., kids age nine through adults, 6 to 7 PM and those with an upper belt can continue until 8 PM.. The fee is $65 per month. Contact Gayle Fleming at 603-477-3174.

The UFO* Crafters Those with a lot of *UnFinished Objects in their craft closets and a yen for socializing while finishing them up are welcome to join the UFO Crafters which meet generally on Wednesday mornings at 9 AM.  If interested, email Donna Duclos at to add your name and address to the email list to be kept posted on meeting times and any schedule changes.

Senior Health Clinic This monthly clinic is the 3rd Tuesday of the month (next on September 18) from 10 to 1 PM., provided by the Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association (VNA).  Services by appointment include foot care/toe nail clipping, blood pressure screening, B-12 injections, medication and nutritional education. To schedule an appointment, call Jean Chapman at 410-9754. Donation of $10 to the VNA suggested but not required.

Two Yoga Options Maris Wofsy of Salisbury will teach an ongoing class with an emphasis on core fitness, flexibility and reducing stress beginning Friday, September 14, 8:15 to 9:15 AM. The fee is $11/session; for information contact Maris at   Kristen Nesbitt will teach a six-weeks gentle, all levels yoga series, 6 to 7:15 PM. beginning September 20; the series fee is $72. Pre-registration is requested by contacting

Tai Chi Marcia Wyman will lead a 4-session class beginning Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 9:30 to  10:30 AM. The series fee is $30.00, drop-ins are also welcome. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that is primarily practiced today for its health and exercise benefits that enhance strength and balance.  For more information, contact Marcia at


Bone Builders New participants are always welcome at the ongoing Bone Builders class, 9 to 10 AM every Tuesday and Thursday.  This strength and balance class is particularly aimed at seniors but is open to all ages, both men and women; no pre-registration necessary.  The classes are free-of-charge although a small donation is suggested.

Coffee at The Hub Coffee and camaraderie are available from 8:30 to 11:00 AM every Tuesday and Thursday.  All are welcome to stop in for a cup of coffee and to chat with others.

Zumba An ongoing Zumba class is offered on Sunday mornings, 8:30 to 9:30 AM with a fee of $5/session.  For more information, contact Akiesha Young at 998-0563.

“Sprechen Sie Deutsch” German-language speakers,  both those fluent and those less so, are invited to join a German conversation hour on the fourth Thursday of each month at 4 PM, beginning on September 27.  For information, contact Gisela Darling at 735-5681.

Cribbage Every Tuesday, 6 to 8 PM.  See article elsewhere in this issue of The Beacon.

Individual services A variety of individual services are offered by appointment at The Andover Hub.  For fees, contact the providers. Piano lessons for kids and adults are taught by Julie Love of Sunapee (contact  Individual counseling for children over the age of 8 and for adults is offered by Theresa Georges, M.A., M.Ed., LADC (contact 802-922-7513).  Individual personal training sessions are offered by Maris Wofsy (contact

To keep posted on what’s going on at The Andover Hub, contact and ask to be added to the ongoing email list.  If you’ve got something you’d like to learn or teach or are willing to help organize, let us know. Those interested in renting space on a regular or as-needed basis to offer lessons or services (music,  tutoring, etc.) are also encouraged to get in touch with The Hub by email.