8th Grade Community Action Program

By Kasey Schoch
The entire 8th grade class at AEMS in front of many of the projects that they presented at AEMS on November 5th.

AEMS 8th Grade Brings The Classroom Into The Community

A group effort by the AEMS 8th grade class

   The 8th grade class at Andover Elementary Middle School is currently working on  community action projects. This project was assigned in September by their English teacher, Kasey Schoch. Students have been working on their own individual projects such as helping at local preschools, holding bake sales for cancer research, starting a food pantry, and doing a race to help raise money for cancer. A complete list of projects is located below.

    The students have had plenty of time to prepare for this since the project was assigned. All of the 8th graders spent time in class researching, writing letters, learning to fill out envelopes, and writing proposals. The students are all going out and participating in their individual service project at least once this year.

The class held a Community Action Fair at the school on the fifth of November. Parents, community members, teachers and students came to take a look at the wonderful projects. The students had to present their own projects using slideshows and tri-fold posters.  Those that attended the fair had an opportunity to vote for the projects that they thought would best serve the community. The top projects included raising money for animal shelters, holding bake sales for cancer research, assembling storm kits for the community, starting a snack pantry for students at AEMS, a kindness board and participating in the Payson Cancer Center Rock-n-Race.

Cam Perkins and Elliott Norris are ready for guests to arrive at the Community Action Fair on November 5th at AEMS.

    After the fair, the 8th grade had the final say on which project they would tackle as a team.  You can expect to find them participating in the Rock-n-Race in the spring.

The following is a list of projects that students have been working on, and will continue to work on, throughout the school year.

Clothing drive for the local thrift store
Organize a blood drive
Clean up the rail trail
Volunteer dog walking
Roadside trash clean-up
Help the local preschool
Food drive for local food pantry

Build the book club at the town library
Hold a book drive
Collect supplies for local animal rescues

Participate in the Rock n Race for the Payson Cancer Center
Build a community garden at the school
Hold bake sales for cancer research
Create storm emergency kits
Start a school snack pantry
Volunteer at the Imagination Inn

Volunteer at the TRIP center
Kindergarten – 8th Grade mentor program
Kindness board
Help the PTO raise money for new/updated playground equipment