Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes 12/11/18

By Nancy Teach

December 11, 2018

Members Present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Doug Phelps; Randy Monti; Paul Currier; and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio
Also present: Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator; Chuck Keyser, Selectperson; Clayton Platt, Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying; AJ Giglio; Brian MacKenzie; John Kinney; Ken Guillemette; John Guiheen; Roy Carlson; Chris Walton; Karen & Ron Brule; Jay & Robin Boynton; Maria & Paul Glorioso; and Rob & Robin Wilterdink

Minutes of November 27, 2018 –  Unanimous to approve as amended

Announcements / Correspondence
1. Randall Costa has resigned from the board.
2. Teach will work on the year-end report for the Planning Board
3. The Planning Board budget is to be to the Selectboard in the next two weeks.

Non-Binding Consultation: Clayton Platt of Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying and Forestry as agent for Joanne Edgar for property on Elbow Pond Road, Tax Map 18 Lot 675,320

Platt presented plan indicating the proposed major subdivision into four lots.  The property is just under sixteen acres total. The new lots will meet the width to depth ratio.  A state subdivision approval has been filed. The board advised a major subdivision application along with a list of abutters and fees are needed.  The board will review the major subdivision application for completeness at the December 11, 2018 meeting. Provided the application is deemed complete, a public hearing will be scheduled for January 22, 2019

Selectboard Report by Dave Blinn – The board is working with Town Administrator on the town report and drafts for several committees are in process.

Planning & Zoning Administrator Report by Pat Moyer – An updated Planning Board contact sheet was drawn up and distributed to board members.

Report on Enforcement by Doug Phelps – A revised flowchart was distributed to the board members for their review and edit.

Completeness Review– Clayton Platt of Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying and Forestry as agent for Joanne Edgar for a Major Subdivision on Elbow Pond Road, Tax Map 18; Lot 675-320 in the Agricultural / Residential Zone

Platt presented a plan of the proposed major subdivision which will create four lots.  There will be 200’ of frontage for each lot on Elbow Pond and 250’ of road frontage on Elbow Pond Road.  There is approximately 17 total acres dividing out to one lot at 3.106 acres; one lot at 2.946 acres; one lot at 2.86 acres and one lot at 7.089 acres.  The board reviewed the major subdivision application for completeness. State subdivision approval is pending. Currier asked if a driveway permit has been issued and Moyer stated she will discuss with Road Agent John Thompson and have John contact Mr. Platt.  The following waivers were requested:

1. Site Location Map (I.B) – The small scope of the subdivision will not impact or be impacted the utility / roads within a mile of Elbow Pond Road and the location of the proposed subdivision is shown on the Locus on the survey plan.
2. Access – Traffic Analysis (II) – Three new houses on a Class V road with very limited development and less than ½ mile from Route 4 does not warrant such a study.  The topography and site distance along Elbow Pond Road is such that there are no limitations on driveway locations along the Town Road.
3. Water Supply (V) – There will be individual wells on each lot.
4. Natural / Historic Feature (VII) – There were none observed on the property.
5. Farmland (VIII) – This is woodland and the excessive drainage would impede farming.
6. Solid Waste (IX) – Only household waste from 3 residences.
7. Open Space (X) – Applies to larger subdivisions and there is an abundance of public and private open space along Elbow Pond Road.
8. Police Protection (XI) – Only routine police protection needed for 3 new houses.
9. Planned Land Use XII) – This is zoned residential and this limited subdivision is consistent with that use.
10. Impact Analysis (XIII) – Minimal, if no, impact to Town services with 3 new residences.
11. Construction Plans (XV) – No road or drainage construction is proposed or designed.
12. Performance Bond (XVI) – No road or drainage construction is proposed or designed.
13. Hydrology Map (1.E) – The only water or drainage feature in the area of the subdivision is Elbow Pond which is shown on the survey plan. There are no culverts, ditches, drainages in this area because the soils are so well drained.
14. Surface Water Erosion (VI) – The only water or drainage feature in the area of the subdivision is Elbow Pond which is shown on the survey plan. There are no culverts, ditches, drainages in this area because the soils are so well drained.  It is also worth noting that any future building within 250’ of the pond will require a NHDES Shoreland Permit with the associated erosion control and drainage requirements.

Public Hearing – Proposed Changes to Zoning Districts
The public hearing was opened t 8 PM. by Chairperson Teach.  A zoning map of the center of Andover was presented with the current zone boundaries and then an overlay was presented with the proposed new boundaries.  A brief overview of what is allowed cumulatively in each zone was presented. The following questions were asked by those present:

1. Are there different tax rates for the different zones?  The response was no.
2. How big of a multi-family unit is allowed. The response was an existing structure can have many families in it; however, any new construction will only be allowed two families.
3. What is the boundary of the water district?  The response was on Main Street from Ernie Blake’s home west to Bridge Road including North Street and Lawrence Street up a little ways on Bradley Lake Road.  There are a couple of privileged taps on either end of Main Street.
4. Does Proctor have plans for expansion with the zoning change?  The response was the board is not aware of any plans at this time.
5. What is the drive to include all the lots – more businesses? More homes?
6. What is stopping a property owner from just applying for a Variance or Special Exception as the lots are now?
7. What is the impact on the school?
8. Property owners on Short Street would prefer to see it removed from the proposed expansion into the Village Zone.

A zoning map of Cilleyville with the current zoning boundaries and the proposed boundaries was presented and discussed.  The following questions were asked by those present:

1. Why expand this area?  The response was that will have the potential of being a village-like area.
2. Why not just develop the Route 11 side rather than Cilleyville Road side.

Teach indicated to those present that the board would welcome written comments for review ahead of the next public hearing on January 9, 2019.

The public hearing was closed at 9 PM.

The board had a work session at 6 PM. on Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Meeting adjourned at 9 PM