Proposed Changes in Town Zoning Ordinance

By Andover Planning Board

The third public hearing on proposed changes in the Andover Zoning Ordinance was held by the Planning Board on Tuesday, January 22.  As a result of the input received in the Public Hearings, the Board is recommending some changes to be voted on by ballot at Town Meeting Day.  The changes would enlarge the Andover Village Zoning District and The Cilleyville Village Zoning District.

The Andover Village District would be expanded east on the north side of Main Street to include the building housing the ice cream shop and on the south side of Main Street to a point across from Meadowlark Lane, west on Main Street to include the properties on both sides of Main Street to the junction with Bridge Street, east to include the whole of the Proctor Campus and the houses on Smith Road, east on Lawrence Street to the junction with Bradley Lake Road.

The Cilleyville Village District would be expanded to the south to include properties on the South side of Main Street from the junction with Depot Street to the junction with Cilleyville Road and east to include both sides of Cilleyville Road, and to the north to include both sides of Depot Street from the junction with Cilleyville Road to the junction with Main Street.

Maps which show both “before” and “after” on both village Districts are available at the town office and on the town Website.

These changes in the Village Districts will make commercial use compatible with other village uses easier and will make it easier to create two family residences.  The Master Plan puts a high priority on making opportunities for commercial use available and also calls for a mix of residential units as we currently have. The proposed changes make both purposes easier.

The Planning Board appreciates the participation of many people in the Public Hearing process which has led to some changes and strengthened the proposal.