Road Agent Begins Preparing For Winter

By Jon Champagne, Andover Road Agent

This month was a busy month for the highway department. We made it through Hurricane Sandy with only minimal damage, thank God. However, the next week and a half we stayed busy with road work and cleaning ditches in preparation for winter. The rain washed a lot of leaves and debris into the catch basins and culverts, so we had to have some of them cleaned, as well.

We conducted another round of crushing up at the transfer station. We were able to replenish our stockpiles and prepare for making a different product next year. We prepared for the possibility of snow, and if it had come we would have been more than ready for it.

As fall continues I want to warn motorists to be on the watch for wildlife. The fall hunting season will be past when this comes out, but a lot of people have been mentioning to me an increased number of animals on the roads. This is due in part to the time change and the changing of the seasons.

I hope that everyone is safe through the holidays.