Select Board Minutes: May 1, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, and David Blinn

Also present were, Derek Mansell, Jesse Schust, Doug Phelps, John Kinney, and Chief Glenn Laramie

Road Agent Report:

The crew has one more day of road sweeping. They are working on the cemeteries and the ball field. They already mowed Lakeside Cemetery. This work should be completed by Memorial Day.

Lawrence Street walkway and Maple Street Bridge are on the list to do. However, the cemeteries and ball field take precedence at this time of year.

Materials are ordered for Blackwater Park.

The materials for Last Street Bridge are ordered and should be in Thursday morning. Thompson thought some of the materials set for Maple Street Bridge could be substituted for use on Last Street Bridge, but that was not the case. Work will start as soon as the materials are delivered on Thursday.

The grader operator is no longer working with Thompson. They are in limbo currently until they find a replacement.

Thompson walked on the property at 76 Bridge Road along with the Select Board members. All agreed that a property survey is needed.

Gravel at the Transfer Station continues to save the town money. Over the course of time, approximately ten different gravel products are produced. As an example, the big stone pile at the transfer station currently cost the Town about $43,000 to produce. If the Town went outside to purchase it, the cost would be over $100,000. Basically, it cost the Town about $5.00 to $6.50 per yard, depending on the specific item, to produce these products. If these items were purchased outside, the cost would be anywhere from $12.00 to $20.00 per yard. Thompson indicated that this could be up to a twenty year project.

Conservation Commission:

MaryAnne Broshek did not attend the meeting she set up. However, Derek Mansell and Jesse Schust attended as Commission members. The Board and the Commission discussed Broshek’s “Discussion Points for May 1, 2017 Meeting.” After discussion, the Board and Commission agreed to the following:

There is no need for the State to be involved with the Board and Thompson regarding best practices for gravel excavation near a wetland. Thompson attends classes and the State inspects their excavation work regularly with no prior notification.

A plan for removing debris from Belletetes land is not under the jurisdiction of the Board.

The restoration plan will be compliant with State Law. Once the gravel excavation work is completed, the land will be restored to its natural state using the best practices as the guide.

It would be helpful if the Commission set markers for the agreed upon fifty foot buffer around the wetland.

Mishcon suggested that Schust be the Commission’s representative and point of contact person, regarding this particular issue.

Delaney voiced his concern about the Commission having meetings that are not noticed for the public to attend or are held in a private area that the public cannot attend. The Board explained the basics of the Right to Know law to Mansell and Schust. Roy will send the law to Broshek.

HVAC Update:

Mishcon drafted a cost breakdown of the work being done at Town Hall. The cost at this point is $13,359.05. Andover should receive an approximate $2300.00 rebate check.

EMS Memorandom of Understanding with New London: Chief John Kinney

Kinney explained that currently the calls during the day go to Franklin. However, Franklin has seen an increase of about 25% to 35% in calls, which comes down to not having enough personnel for these calls. Kinney worked with New London so that now, New London will get the calls first and the back-up will be Franklin. This will help both Andover and Franklin at this time. Additionally, it might be more cost effective for Andover. At this time, New London charges $100 per hour. Typically, the calls take about an hour. The charges for Franklin vary up to $350 per call. Other options might become available in the future. Mishcon signed the Memorandum of Understanding with New London.

CIP Committee: Doug Phelps

Phelps spoke to the Board about the future plans of the CIP Committee. He would like to contact the department/board heads so that they start thinking about their needs that would cost $10,000 and higher. Phelps would like to do this by June and be ready when they start meeting in October. Phelps would like to add bridges to their list. His hope is that boards that didn’t respond last year, will this year.

Roy will send an e-mail to the department/board heads.

Mishcon offered to be a member of the CIP Committee.

Sinatures and Correspondence:

Melissa Pierce from Comcast notified the Town that it is time to renew the agreement. The Board will review other options tomorrow at their work session.

Gravel Tax levy

MS 232

Hoyle Tanner: Bidding Requirements and Technical Specifications

The Board reviewed the Final Engineering Report and other materials provided for the Morrill Hill Bridge. Bids are due on June 2, 2017. The project will start in July 2017 and be completed by November 2017. The Town should receive a check soon for 80% of the cost of this project. Copies of this are available at Town Hall for public to view.