Andover School Board Minutes: May 02, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER: The ASB meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Michelle Dudek.

Board Members Present: Michelle Dudek, Dean Barker, Mark Heller and Annie MacKenzie

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

Public Present: Tina Cotton, Bill Preble


Minutes of Previous Meetings::

For the PUBLIC SESSION of April 4, 2017, Dean motioned to accept the minutes and Mark H made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the NON-PUBLIC SESSION of April 4, 2017, Mark H motioned to accept the minutes and Annie made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Bill Preble presentation

FINANCIAL REPORT: Annie motioned to approve the financial report. Dean made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved.


Board Chairperson’s Report:

Michelle reminded the ASB members of the upcoming SAU#46 Meeting to be held on May 18 at 5:45 PM in Salisbury. Dinner will be followed by Senior Project Presentations and the Business Meeting.


Principal’s Report:: See attached


Old Business:

  1. AE/MS School Culture and Climate Presentation: Bill Preble presented the Andover Elementary Middle School Top Areas of Strength and Areas in Need of Improvement Identified by The Center for School Climate and Learning. The data/results from a recent survey of students, parents and teachers were shared and discussed.
  2. Policy Review (EFDA AND JICK): The second reading took place regarding Policy EFDA, the SCHOOL MEAL PAYMENT POLICY, detailed by Chris. Mark H motioned to approve Policy EFDA. Dean made the second and the policy was approved.

A review of Policy JICK, PUPIL SAFETY AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION-BULLYING and its alignment with current AE/MS practices/protocol was discussed. The ASB members have requested more time to review this policy before approving. This item will be tabled until the June Board Meeting. Chris will resend the edited version to the members.


New Business

Primex: Dean made the motion to accept the offer of the option for the Andover School District to participate in the Primex Contribution Assurance Program for FY 2019-2021. This program relates to Workers’ Compensation. Mark H made the second and the motion was approved.

OBM Authorization Form: Mark H made the motion to authorize the Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Schools and Business Administrator of SAU#46 to approve and sign Department of Education Office of Business Management Forms. Annie made the second and the motion was approved.

:Other:  Robin stated that the ASB has received the resignation of Mrs. Brittney Milligan, the Music teacher. No action is required..

Jane and Robin have been in conversation with First Student regarding updating video equipment on the buses and the possibility of cost sharing so that it may be installed for the new school year. The ASB has requested more detailed information and it will be discussed at the June Board Meeting.


Manifest Journal Entries Signing:: Dean moved to approve the signing of the manifest/journal entries. Annie made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved.


Superintendent’s Report:\

Mark M stated that he recently attended the Robotics Competition at the University of New Hampshire. Merrimack Valley High School was represented and an Andover student, Ryan Gotthardt was a participant. Mark M stated that this is a great opportunity for all Andover students who attend Merrimack Valley High School. He is also researching further opportunities for Andover students at the Concord Regional Vocational Center.

Mark M and Chris continue to stay updated on State House Legislation as it pertains to education. There are potential bills/amendments that remain in process that will impact local budgets. There is a possibility that more adequacy funding may be provided depending on the results of the Full Day Kindergarten legislation.

It is Teacher Appreciation Week. Stress balls are being provided to all staff as a small token of gratitude. Co


Assistant Superintendent’s Report;: Nothing further to report.


Action from Non-Public:

Mark H motioned to approve building level administrative salaries for the 2017-18 school year as presented. Dean made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed.