Select Board Feb 5, 2018 Approved Minutes

By Patricia Moyer

Condensed from approved minutes:

Meeting convened at 6:30 PM
Members Present:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator, Vicky Mishcon, Selectboard Chair; Jim Delaney and Dave Blinn, Select Board
Others present: Chuck Keyser; Greg Stetson, Emergency Medical Services; Randall Costa and Paul Currier, Planning Board
Acceptance of Previous Minutes: After reviewing the minutes of January 16, 2018 Mishcon made the motion to accept the minutes as written.  Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. The January 16, 2018 minutes were approved as written.
Work Sessions and other Important Dates:
A work session was scheduled for Friday, February 9, 2018 at 1:30 PM
The budget hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 20 18 may need to be rescheduled due to the approaching weather predicted for that day.
The Lakes Regional Planning Commission’s Round Table discussion in Meredith regarding the Transfer Station is still planned on being attended as noted in the January 16, 2 018 Select Board Minutes.
A virtual Town Hall Website representative will be meeting with the Board on Friday, February 16, 2018 at 1 PM at Town Hall.
Other Business:
White Oak Pit:  Chuck Keyser brought his concerns about the issues surrounding what he read in the Beacon about White Oak Pit. The Board explained to Keyser what has transpired so far between the Town and the State. The Board also indicated that the Town Attorney is involved in getting this resolved.
Keyser was also concerned with the cost of sand, adding $40,000. into the new budget. Keyser spoke about what he has seen as an abuse with people not taking buckets, but filling their pick-up trucks, and at times, using the equipment parked at the pit instead of shoveling the sand into buckets.
Emergency Medical Services: EMS
Greg Stetson, by way of background, spoke to the Board about the issue of emergency medical call coverage. Stetson and Emergency Medical Services Chief, John Kinney, met with the Board last summer.  Currently, Andover contracts with New London to take Andover’s calls from approximately 8 AM to 5 PM daily. One of the issues with New London is the response time length for Andover residents due to the wide range of area coverage that New London provides to other communities outside Andover. Kinney spoke to New London about increasing their coverage times for Andover, but at this time, New London is not willing to increase their availability.
Franklin is the backup if New London is unable to take an Andover emergency medical call. However, the issue for Franklin is that when two out of their three EMS personnel scheduled are taking care of Andover, it leaves Franklin with only one EMS person available for Franklin.

Last summer, the previous Franklin City Manager took another position in another town before working out something with Andover.  When approached, the Franklin City Council didn’t want to take this on. Presently, Franklin’s Fire Chief is willing to speak about options with Andover to help with Andover’s coverage.

Franklin Options:  At this time, the options are : Daytime only coverage, the yearly cost is $50,000. For full time coverage, the yearly cost is $95, 000.00.  For this year, because Franklin’s fiscal year starts in July, the cost would only be for half a year. Last year, with the daytime coverage, Franklin received $12, 500 for Andover’s calls.
An option to pay per call is not the industry standard.
Stetson’s understanding is that Chief Lefebvre is writing an article for the Beacon. Stetson will check with Lefebvre to make sure this is correct.
After discussion, the Board will discuss the options as to what would work best at this time for Andover.  The Board’s decision about whether a part-time or full-time coverage contract is appropriate will be made in time for the Public Hearing for Town Budget currently scheduled for February 7, 2018.  This hearing might be rescheduled due to the approaching weather forecasted for that day.
Planning Board Nominations:
The Board signed three Planning Board Member nomination forms as follows:
Arthur Urie
Doug Phelps
Randall Costa
Roy will swear these three nominees listed above in at 6:45 PM. prior to the Planning Board’s February 13, 2018 meeting convening at 7 PM.


Correspondence and Signatures:
Hoyle and Tanner – Assessed the Bridge Road (Keniston) Bridge and determined that there was no structural damage caused by the recent vehicle collision into the bridge. The only issues were cosmetic and they have been repaired already.
J P Pest Services – The Board reviewed several contracts regarding the rat irradiation at the Transfer Station, including initial correction service, eight follow-up treatments, and monthly scheduled maintenance.  Delaney made the motion to allow Blinn to sign the contracts for the Board. Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. Blinn signed all the contracts with JP Pest Services.
Health Trust Insurance –The Board reviewed several documents including Cobra and Retirement insurance. Coverage begins July 1st. Mishcon made the motion to allow Blinn to sign the Resolution for Health Trust Insurance.  Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. Blinn signed the Health Trust Insurance Resolution.

Verizon Conservation Easement:
Costa and Currier reviewed with the Board the changes that were made in the easement.  The changes were reviewed by Town Counsel who agreed with the changes made. Costa explained that the changes were made because as it was written, it was basically an unenforceable contract.
Costa indicated when it’s time to construct the road for the cell tower, that the Select and Planning Boards, along with the State Forrester, Doug Miner will be invited to a site visit to see what is being cut.  The area will be flagged so that it shows just where the road will be and what trees will be cut down or topped.
The Planning Board scheduled Verizon for another Non-Binding Consultation for Tuesday, February 13, 2018.  Once the application is deemed complete, Verizon will be scheduled for a Site Plan Review and then a Public Hearing will take place.
Five Warrant Articles:

Costa and Currier also discussed the Planning Board’s five warrant articles proposed for Town Meeting.  The Board spoke to Town Counsel on this past Friday. Town Counsel approved the warrant articles as written.  Blinn made the motion that the Board, upon examination of the five warrant articles presented and after consultation with Town Counsel, support the Planning Board’s five warrant articles as written for Town Meeting 2018.  Mishcon seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.


Non-Public Sessions:
The Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:45 PM by roll call vote:
Mishcon:    Yes Delaney:    Yes Blinn:    Yes
Non-Public Session (1)                                              

 Closed Public Meeting at 7:45 PM                

Opened Non-Public Session at 7:45 PM                  

Closed Non-Public Session at 8:05 PM                       

Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:05 PM   

 Closed Public Meeting at 8:05 PM

Non-Public Session (2)                                         Opened Non-Public Session at 8:05 PM    Closed Non-Public Session at 8:20 PM                                      Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:20 PM


Delaney made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Blinn seconded the motion. All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM
Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary