Should the WHS Pursue the Purchase of Property for a New  Home?

Special Meeting April 15, 2018 at 1 PM at Red Barn

Press Release

Contact: Mary Fanelli
Re: Wilmot Historical Society Special Meeting
April 15, 2018 at 1 PM WCA (Wilmot Historical Society) RED Barn in Wilmot
Subject: Should the WHS pursue the purchase of property for a new home.
The Wilmot Historical Society (WHS), organized in 1977 after the Bicentennial Committee completed its activities, moved into a room in the newly renovated Wilmot Flat one-room schoolhouse, which also houses the Town Offices.
Over the last 41 years the collections, which were meant to be housed within the this room, have grown beyond the boundaries of those walls, necessitating storage in barns and homes.
Our bylaws state that: The purpose of the Society is to preserve and maintain items related to the history of Wilmot and promote public education.
In furtherance of such purpose, this Society “Shall establish and maintain suitable storage to preserve and display publicly its historical memorabilia and will perform all the acts necessary to achieve the purposes of the Society as stated herein.”
With this mandate, the WHS board of directors feels that it is time to reach out to the membership for permission to find another home for the Wilmot Historical Society.
There have been many efforts over the years to improve our storage capacity, but without success.  
Recently the property where the Post Office is located at 60 Village Road, a historic structure built in 1867, came up for sale and brought to mind again the need for a larger home for the Historical Society and its collections.
This opportunity is the impetus that caused the Wilmot Historical Society board to call a special meeting of the full membership on April 15, 2018 at 1 PM at the Wilmot Community Center Red Barn on Village Road to consider the question: ‘Will the membership support the purchase of a building and property to properly preserve, maintain and display its collections?’
Options for funding are: 1) launching a capital campaign; 2) securing a loan; 3) negotiating a rental/buyback arrangement; or 4) any other means appropriate to a small non-profit organization.
The most critical aspect of this project would be the collective support of the membership.
If an opportunity is not appropriate at this time, there will be options in the future. When this occurs, the Society’s Board of Directors will need to know what action to take to ensure possible success. Can they act independently, to acquire a building? Should representatives from the membership serve on a building committee”?
The WHS Board is inviting all its members to be present on April 15 to give input on this important matter. Anyone else who might be interested is welcome to come, however, only members will be voting.