East Andover Village Preschool, September 2014

Still accepting enrollments for the new school year

By Elizabeth Janvrin, EAVP director
Brayden Gilman, Parker Sweeney, Brennan Dunklee and Giavanna Shipleyhale chase bubbles on a warm summer day.
Brayden Gilman, Parker Sweeney, Brennan Dunklee, and Giavanna Shipleyhale chase bubbles on a warm summer day.

With the arrival of the 2014-2015 school year, we welcome new students and a new teacher to East Andover Village Preschool. Ms. Lawre Goodnow is joining Ms. Elizabeth Janvrin and Ms. Alicia Williams on the EAVP staff.

Lawre brings with her 17 years of experience in local early childhood programs, along with a Masters Degree in Art Education. She will be sharing her passion for art and nature with all of us in the classroom.

As we begin the year, we will engage in activities to learn about each other, from our likes and dislikes to what makes each of us special. We will use our family compositions to explore concepts such as sorting and graphing, along with the letters of our names.

We will use our drawing and emergent writing skills to make a group book about our favorite things. Through making play dough and fruit salad, we will experience how to be a part of a team and to communicate with each other for an ultimate goal.

We are excited to see what the new year brings us for learning and adventures at EAVP!

Our summer camp program continued to enjoy the summer break up on the hill with an in-depth look at sharks, exploring a variety of artists, and playing with all of our friends; both new and old.

We continued our weekly visits to the Bachelder Library with Ms. Gail, where we read about and created crafts of under the sea. It was a great summer with her, reading in depth about all of the different creatures, especially our favorites: seahorses, sharks, and whales.

After seven weeks of waiting and watching our garden with intent to find some vegetables, we have successfully picked a bowl full of green beans and pea pods, although they were quickly enjoyed by all during our outdoor and lunch time. We cannot wait to see all of the green tomatoes turn to red and the squash go from small to large.

EAVP is still accepting enrollments for our 2014-2015 school year. We are also seeking a part-time, afternoon preschool teacher. If you are interested in either, please contact Elizabeth at EAVP@nulltds.net or 735-5105.