Board of Selectmen Minutes, November 5, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Selectmen Danforth, Mishcon, TA Marjorie Roy

Road Agent’s Report-Jon Champagne

Jon presented a quote from Dave Marceau and Sons for preparing and paving the apron at Route 4 and White Oak Road. The quote was $2,885.

Selectman Mishcon will check to see if White Oak Road and Recyclable Drive need to be voted on at Town Meeting.

Skip Lisle, who installed Beaver Deceivers on Elbow Pond Road, recommends installing another deceiver in Mountain Brook Road just downstream from the bridge. The cost will be $2,500. A private donation of $500 has been received, the Conservation Commission will donate $1,000, and the Road Agent, who highly recommends this installation, will expend $1,000 from the Highway Department budget. Selectman Danforth made a motion to have the Beaver Deceiver installed as soon as possible. Selectman Mishcon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

Local Government Center informed Selectman Danforth that independent contractors must have Workers Compensation through J&B Landscaping. Talk with Jim for accurate record.

Drainage problems on Maple Street at Bonk, Frost, Carter properties.

Per RSA91-A:3II(c) the Board of Selectmen entered a non-public session at 6:35PM

The Board adjourned non-public session at 7:05PM and re-entered public session at 7:07PM

Chairperson Mishcon asked several questions about the phone system that Selectman Danforth has proposed: Since voicemail would convert to e-mail, could e-mail addresses be easily changed when committee members change? How many lines would there be coming into the office? Since not everyone uses e-mail, will communication break down? Chairperson Mishcon stated that the Town Administrator has the final decision about this and all other office functions and procedures.

The Fourth of July Committee has voted to become an advisory committee to the Board of Selectmen. Selectman Danforth drafted a mission statement renaming the committee the Andover Events Committee. The mission statement follows the same format as that of the Recreation Committee. The Board agreed that an audit of Committee funds should be completed as soon as possible. The committee will be reminded that the Board of Selectmen needs a budget amount as soon as possible. The Town Administrator will contact the Fourth of July Committee to request a copy of the minutes of their meeting with the vote to become a Town committee recorded. She will also request that representative(s) attend the November 19 Board of Selectmen meeting.

A budget workshop was tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 16, at 9 AM.

Andover Horseshoe Club: The Horseshoe Club is actually a private organization that leases Town Property. Their lease expired in 2005. The Local Government Center suggests a four-month lease to get us to Town Meeting and confirmation that the Club has insurance that covers the Town. The new lease will include description of new tax issues that will be applicable with the lease.

The Town Administrator provided to the Board a draft copy of a job description for her position.

Selectman Danforth has arranged the purchase of two document safes from the Estate of Mayland Morse for the sum of $1,100. One safe will be for the bookkeeper/treasurer, the second for the Town Administrator. This will resolve the issue of one safe for all departments, which is forbidden by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Selectman Danforth moved to transfer $1,100 from line 4324-50 to Office Expense. Motion seconded by Chairperson Mishcon. The vote was unanimous.

Town Web Site: Selectman Mishcon moved to take $3,000 from the Cable TV line, which is available to us, so that we have money available when we are ready to build the Web site. If we have a contract by December 31, the $3,000 can then be encumbered. Selectman Danforth seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

The Town Administrator is considering the purchase of condominium-type mailboxes for each department/committee.

The Board authorized the Town Administrator to notify the Planning Board Chairman with cost for computer and software that will replace the receptionist’s computer and add software that will allow the Building Inspector, Planning Board, and ZBA to communicate. The computer will be replaced immediately. The Town Administrator will work with the Planning Board, ZBA, and Building Inspector to gather information to determine what software to purchase.

Town Properties: Selectman Danforth will put together a list of properties to be sold. He will present the list at the November 19 Board meeting. Selectman Danforth will ask for two separate warrant articles: (1) lots to be sold for revenue, and (2) lots that might be merged into another lot.

 Due to a time constraint (four days), the Board needs to request a rehearing on the Steve Nelson ZBA decision. Selectman Danforth made a motion to request a rehearing of a ZBA decision regarding the Nelson property at 194 Boston Hill, because it appears that the proper rules were not applied to the decision. Selectman Mishcon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The Town Administrator will send the letter this week.

The Town Administrator will contact John Kinney to schedule a meeting to go over write-offs for EMS.

Selectman Danforth stated that a simple format would be best for the Selectman’s Warrant. The Town Administrator will determine the format.

Selectman Danforth asked if a bid for containers, etc. should be done in January. This decision will be made after the budget hearing is held.

Selectman Danforth moved that Chairperson Mishcon should sign the Medicaid renewal contract on behalf of the EMS. Chairperson Mishcon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The renewal was signed.

Selectman Danforth made a motion to adjourn at 8:40PM. Chairperson Mishcon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:41 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Marjorie M. Roy

Town Administrator