Soccer Fever in Andover: Tuesday Night Pick-Up at Blackwater Park

At 6 PM; wear cleats and shin guards

By Heidi Murphy, Soccer Director

Soccer fever is in the air! Not only have the USA Womens Team won the FIFA World Cup, but Andover youths are taking to the fields on Tuesday nights at 6 PM.

This summer we started pick-up soccer, which is open to anyone who would like to play at Blackwater Park. This is an informal game for any ages. Kids are encouraged to wear cleats and shin guards and bring lots of water.

So far, about 50 kids have signed up for the fall program. Though the deadline to sign up has ended, parents are encouraged to contact Heidi Murphy if their children are interested in playing in the fall. It looks like this year, Andover will be able to roster five teams, with separate girls and boys teams.

The Merrimack Valley Soccer League consists of 19 towns from around the central New Hampshire area. The goal of the league is to have every team member play, be safe. and have fun. Feel free to come watch the young Andover players at Blackwater Park.

The  soccer games will begin on Tuesday, September 8, with the 5th/6th grade boys. The 5th/6th grade girls will play on Thursday, September 10, while either the 3rd/4th grade girls or boys will play on Friday, September 11. Every team will play on Saturday, starting with the 1st/2nd graders in the morning.

We also have opportunities for anyone (seventh and eighth graders included) who would be willing to referee the games. The games are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays starting on Tuesday, September 8, and running through Saturday, October 17.

Anyone interested in helping to volunteer with assistant coaching or field maintenance are also encouraged to contact Heidi at the e-mail address above or at 735-4494. Kick and dribble on!

Did you know? According to, US Midfielder Michael Bradley ran an average of about eight and a half miles per game during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Tournament. The average World Cup soccer player ran approximately seven miles per game. That is a lot of running!

August Soccer Tip: Shielding a ball is often overlooked as a skill to learn. Shielding means not letting another player take the ball from you.  Always keep your body between the ball and the person who is trying to take it.

To practice, you will need two people. While you are dribbling, have your partner try to take the ball from you. Put yourself between the ball and your partner. Continue to dribble the ball with the inside and outside of your foot. Switch roles. Have fun, and stay hydrated.