Fifty Years Ago in Andover: February 1967

By Virginia Edwards

More good old news from the Franklin Journal-Transcript covering: Andover, East Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville ““GOSSIP’’’’ columns

February Jokes and Riddles:

What do squirrels give for Valentines Day?


Do skunks celebrate Valentines Day?

Sure, they’re very scent-i-mental.

February 2, 1967

Congratulations to the 10 and 11 year old boys who received their Lions pins, Bruce Morrill and John McLeod. Refreshments of coffee, Kool Aid, and donuts were served by Den mothers.

Hospital Apprentice, Kenneth Sherman, stationed at Great Lakes, Illinois is home on furlough. Kenneth was to arrive home on January 26, but was stranded at Chicago Airbase with 2000 other people due to the blizzard there. He arrived home on Saturday. Kenneth is being transferred to F.F.S. at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for further training after his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sherman.

February being the Cub Scout anniversary, all Cub Scouts will be at the Andover Congregational Church services on Sunday, February 12. Any boy that is eight years old, or older, can be a Cub Scout and if they wish to be there contact the Scout Master, Wallace Scott, 735-5596. This is for all boys.

The Andover Eagles boy’s basketball team played Hill’s team on January 26 and Andover won with a score of 37 to 20. That same evening the Andover girl’s basketball team played the Hill team and Andover lost with a score of 3 to 1.

A Pack meeting was held Friday, January 27, in the Andover Elementary School Auditorium at 7:30 PM. Despite the bad weather there was a good attendance. Mrs. Edna Peters was chosen as new den mother.

A special class has managed to acquire two rabbits so the children may learn how to care for pets. The bunny’s names are Peter and Tammie.

Frank Currier, who passed away at the Concord Hospital on January 23, was born in Andover. He lived on Beech Hill and his father was a watchman at the Hames Shop.

Much sympathy goes to Mr. and Mrs. Amon Webb of Wilmot Flat and to the Amon family in Derry. Amon Webb Jr. was a graduate of Andover High School. He was killed in a trailer accident in Hooksett this past week.

A very large crowd came out to the Andover Elementary school on Saturday evening to see Rusty and his Rainbow Valley Rangers. The show was for the school fund.

Andover Service Club will hold a Cancer Dressing meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Francis Kennedy on Thursday, February 8 at 10 AM. Business meeting will be in the afternoon.

World Day of Prayer will be held at Wilmot Center Church, on Friday, February 10 at 7:30 PM.

It is a great honor to have two Andover town girls in the Winter Carnival Queen contest in Franklin this year. They are Miss Ellen Heden, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. David Heden, and Lillian Jurta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jurta. These girls are competing with girls from Tilton and Franklin. The girl who sells the most carnival buttons will be the Queen. Good luck, girls, and sell those buttons.

Ladies Aid Sewing work day will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Kimball on Thursday, February 8 beginning at 10 AM.

Valentines Jokes and Riddles:

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?

Because it’s all heart.

What happens when you fall in love with a French Chef?

You get all buttered up.

If it is not Valentine’s Day and you see a man in a flower shop, you can probably start up a conversation by asking: What did you do wrong?

What did the male bird say to the female bird on Valentine’s Day?

Let me call you tweet heart.

February 9, 1967

The Andover Extension Club will present James Gallagher of Lancaster I.F.Y.E. delegate to Celon on Tuesday, February 14, at 1 PM.

Andover Arts and Crafts meets in the East Andover Library on Monday, February 13 at 1 PM.

Andover P.T.O. meeting will be held on Monday, February 13 instead of a week later due to vacation. The School Warrant will be discussed.

A daughter, Michele, was born Saturday, January 28, at the New London Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Michael (Susan Huntoon) Butten of Canaan. Congratulations to the parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meiers are chairmen for the Heart Fund Drive in Andover.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidder observed their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, February 5, 1967 at their home with close relatives on both sides and neighbors dropping in to wish the couple best wishes. Their children, Edith, Earl, Roger, Robert, and Rex arranged the occasion.

Miss Sharon Jewett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jewett, is working in Washington, D.C.

The firemen were called out on Friday evening to a chimney fire at Eugene Temple’s on the Andover/Franklin Road.

We are glad to hear Jim Belanger is improving at the New London Hospital after having a major operation on February 1. We all wish Jim a speedy recovery.

Larry Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Clark, had his tonsils removed at New London Hospital and is home recuperating.

Miss Marsha Kimball returned to U.N.H. after a two week semester break.

The Flaghole Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson at 8 PM. Don’t forget your Valentines.

We are glad to hear Clarence Keyser Sr. is improving though he is still unable to drive his car. Clarence had a heart attack. Get well soon.

Valentines Jokes and Riddles:

What is a rams favorite song on February 14th?

I only have eyes for ewe, dear.

What do farmers give their wives on Valentines Day?

Hogs and kisses.

February 16, 1967

Mrs. Bernice Powers and Mrs. Leah Sleeper left by plane on Monday for Bradenton, Florida for three weeks. Enjoy Mr. Sunshine and eat lots of native oranges.

Students from town going to New London High School to receive honors are Seniors: Ruth Eichell, Ellen Johnson, Luann Clark, and Rondi Parris. Congratulations to you all.

Mumps are spreading around town to our young children and some adults have them. Inoculations are in order.

Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 American Legion will meet February 16 at the Blackwater Grange 8 PM and meets February 23 at 8 PM.

Courses are being held at the Proctor Chapel starting Thursday, February 16 at 8 PM. Mrs. Stephen Gulick will be the instructor. The course is open to the public. Each person finishing the course will receive a certificate.

Mrs. Edith Leonard and two daughters of Montpelier, Vermont, spent the weekend with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young.

Reverend and Mrs. Francis Tucker, Mrs. Georgia Dodge, Mrs. Marie Rising, Mrs. Ethel Nelson, Mrs. Florence Thompson, Mrs. Irene Jewett, Miss Marion Steuerwald, and Mr. and Mrs. David Heden attended the World Day of Prayer services at Wilmot Center on Friday, February 10. Mrs. Rising and Mrs. Jewett took part in services.

A group of ladies gathered at the Andover Congregational Church Parsonage on Tuesday morning to clean the parsonage. On February 25, Reverend and Mrs. Donald Rankin of New York will be here to look over the church of Salisbury, Andover, and the parsonage. They will also meet with the pastoral committees of Salisbury and Andover in the Mollie Bachelder Room in the evening.

All seventh and eighth graders who are interested in joining a youth group are asked to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weinert on Sunday, February 18 at 7 PM.

Fourteen women of the Ladies Aid gathered at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Kimball for a sewing meeting. Baby clothes for Friendly Services and for a State Child were made plus cancer dressings and aprons were worked on. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Florence Thompson on March 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Putney and JoJo drove to Amherst, Nova Scotia on Friday to Mrs. Putney’s, brother-in-law. The Putney’s returned home on Sunday.

Miss Nancy Keniston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Keniston, has been accepted at Plymouth State College. She plans to major in Elementary Education. Nancy was named Homemaker of Tomorrow at Franklin High School this year. Congratulations to you, Nancy.

February 23, 1967

Congratulations go to Dr. Sikhar ( Martha Stibitz) Barnerjee. The couple were married on Saturday, February 18 in the Proctor Chapel. The Andover Service Club catered the reception.

The Andover Service Club sewing meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Florence Thompson on Wednesday, February 15, with ten members present. Mrs. Victor E. Phelps furnished the desserts.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyeth and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fenton attended the funeral of Mrs. Ruth Elkins in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mrs. Elkins formerly lived on Beech Hill Road in Andover.

A short business meeting of the Andover Extension Club was held at Andover Elementary school on Tuesday afternoon, February 14, with eight members present. Followed by James Gallagher of Lancaster I.F.Y.E. who showed slides and talked about living with families from Ceylon.

Much sympathy goes to Mr. and Mrs. John Forsberg and families. Their son Richard of Chicago died at his job on Thursday, February 16. Mr. and Mrs. Forsberg left Friday by plane for their son’s home.

A son, Craig Douglas, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Perreault of Nashua on February 11. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poblenz of town and Mrs. George Perreault of Franklin.

Miss Susan Sheldon is spending a few days of her vacation with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaMontayne of Rochester.

Mrs. Beth Frost and daughter returned home on Saturday from Woodstock, Vermont where she was staying with her father while her mother was away in Florida visiting relatives.

The Fortnightly Club will hold its meeting in the Library on Monday, February 27, at 6 PM. Mrs. Irene Jewett and Mrs. Marie Rising will be the hostesses.

Frank Baker and two sons of Londonderry spent the night at their home on Tucker Mt. They hiked from the village up there.