East Andover Village Preschool: March 2013

By Elizabeth Janvrin, Director, EAVP
Piper Garland places a duck egg in the incubator while Ethan Dukette and Liam Fecteau watch and wait for their turns.

The month of March took us on a trip to “Once upon a time” land. We explored many of the fairy tales throughout the month in all areas of our classroom. Working together, we constructed a castle out of recycled materials, which also offered opportunities to share our thoughts and ideas with others nearby. As we read Jack and the Beanstalk and The Princess and the Pea, we made predictions of which area would sprout first: the planted beans and peas, or the baggie beans and peas.

We have explored various art processes, from painting on foil as mirrors for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to painting with mud for The Three Little Pigs, and not to forget creating gold pictures as we read Jack and the Beanstalk.

The various fairy tales have offered many math activities as we have practiced measurement with Rapunzel’s braids, sorting by color and size as we found the Papa, Mama, and Baby bears, and estimated and counted how many beans would fit in our hands. For Literacy, we have thought about what we would turn straw into, what dwarf we would be, and wrote our names in “hair.”

At the beginning of March, we were part of the Andover Lion’s Club “Operation Kid Sight.” This program is to prevent blindness and promote awareness of vision disorders most common in preschool children.

    Our annual Hop-a-thon will be on Monday and Tuesday, April 1 and 2. The children have a great time hopping to raise money and enjoy a healthy carrot snack of raw carrots and muffins.

April will bring us the continuation of our duck eggs incubating and hatching. We have started with 18 duck eggs and cannot wait to see how many ducklings we will have! Before April vacation, we will be celebrating “The Week of the Young Child” with our own circus-themed week, including a carnival night. April might also bring us a trip to the “Rainforest” with the growing interest and discussions around animals lately.

We are very fortunate at East Andover Village Preschool to have support from this great community. Thank you to our “Angel” who has donated $500 for our school to spend at Imagination Village in Concord. Thank you to a member of the Andover community who has donated $5,000 to our program to begin renovations on our playground!

Registration for our Summer Camp Program and our 2013-2014 Preschool Program is occurring. We offer part-time and full-time enrollment with accommodations for individual family schedules. Please contact EAVP at 735-5105 or EAVP@nulltds.net.