Planning Board Approved Minutes 9/25/18

By Nancy Teach

September 25, 2018
Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice-Chair; Doug Phelps; Randy Monti; Art Urie; and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio
Also present: Brian MacKenzie, Linda MacKenzie, Anthony Giglio, Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicki Mishcon, Selectperson; Peter Sanborn; Chuck Keyser; Selectperson; and Sophie Viandier.
Discussion and decision – Kenneth Grant, Tax Map 6 Lot 278,561 for a Boundary Line Adjustment (Pierre Bedard Surveyor)
The board received a revised plan indicating the septic location and all structures on the Sears lot indicated as previously requested. Urie made a motion to deem the application complete. Currier seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete. Currier made a motion to approve the boundary line adjustment. Phelps seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of approving the boundary line adjustment.
Completeness Determination (from 09/11/2018) – Giglio and MacKenzie; 4 Mill Road, Site Plan Review for a restaurant and catering service
The following items were previously requested by the Planning Board and have been provided – natural grade not to exceed 10% on driveway and walkway slopes; outside storage; boundary markers identified proposed site lighting for the parking lot; hours of operation ( 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.); equitable waiver of dimensional requirement approved by the ZBA.  Blinn made a motion to deem the application complete. Phelps seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete.
Continued Public Hearing (from 09/11/2018) – Giglio and Mackenzie; 4 Mill Road, Site Plan Review for a restaurant and catering service
The public hearing was continued at 7:30 PM.  There being no public input, the public hearing was closed at 7:31 PM.  Blinn made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review as indicated on the plan. Currier seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of approving the Site Plan Review as indicated on the plan.
Minutes of September 11, 2018
Currier – Motion to approve as amended.
Blinn – Second
Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended.
Review and comment – Peter Sanborn, request to build a home on a portion of Morey Hill Road, a Class VI road
The board reviewed the request of Peter Sanborn to build a residence on a portion of a Class VI road and use Morey Hill and a portion of Dawes Road for access in order to provide input to the Selectboard for their decision on allowing building permits under RSA 674:41 on a portion of these Class VI roads, to enable Sanborn to pursue a building permit under the Zoning Ordinance. Urie stated he would not be in favor of allowing building permits on Class Vi roads. Phelps stated Sanborn should be able to build in this location.  Currier stated he took an oath to uphold the laws of New Hampshire and the Zoning Ordinance prohibits change of use to allow building on a road with no road frontage and he is uncertain if there are sufficient mitigating circumstances to allow a change of use in this particular case. Currier stated that in 2014 the Selectboard approved removing 2 acres of his property from current use; however, Sanborn should have been advised that improvements to the property were not in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Keyser asked if the house would be seen from Route 11.  The answer was no, it would not be seen. Mishcon stated the Selectboard is only considering allowing building permits on the portions of Morey Hill and Dawes Roads adjacent to the Sanborn property. It was voted 4 against and 2 in favor of the Selectboard allowing building permits for the portion of Morey Hill and Dawes Class Vi roads adjacent to Sanborn’s property. Teach read a draft letter of review and comment from the Planning Board to the Selectboard that advised against allowing building permits on Class VI roads in general but noted that there may be extenuating circumstances in this case.
Non-Binding Consultation: Sophie Viandier request to build a yurt on Hoyt Road, Tax Map 14, Lot 730,346.  The property is in the AR Zone
Viandier proposes to build a Yurt under the Tiny House provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The lot has a total of three acres and the yurt will be located 53’ from Hoyt Road and 90’ from Route 11.  There will be no septic or electric; there will be a woodstove for heat. The yurt will be 314 square feet with a 20’ diameter. The driveway access is from Hoyt Road. A survey of the property is not necessary; however, an approved Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment and a driveway permit from the Road Agent will be necessary.
Reports and announcements
Selectboard by David Blinn – the bridge on Last Street will be completed in one day; the Elbow Pond Road bridge is 35 – 40 days out for the work to start.  The public site meeting with Hoyle Tanner regarding the Lawrence Street bridge went well. The transfer station construction is proceeding on track.
Planning Board by Nancy – the revised Subdivision Regulations have been circulated for approval and need to be included in the board members notebooks.  Currier and Teach discussed “enforcement”. It was discussed that it would be a good idea to involve the police department in future enforcement of town land use ordinances.  Teach stated she would like to review any letters that have already been issued by the Selectboard regarding violations. New members need to be recruited.
Election of Vice-Chair
An interim Vice-Chair is needed by the Planning Board.  Urie nominated Currier; Blinn seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of Currier as interim Vice-Chair.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.

Submitted by,

Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary