Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes 11/13/18

By Nancy Teach

November 13, 2018

Members Present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice-Chair; Art Urie; Doug Phelps; Randy Monti; and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio
Also present: Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator; Dan Merzi; Bill Bardsley; Jim Hanlon; John Hodgson; and Dan Minette

Minutes of October 9, 2018 – Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended
Minutes of October 23, 2018 – Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended
Public Hearing and Completeness Review: Dan Merzi – Excavation Business – 14 Potters Lane – AR & FA Zones Tax Map 28 Lots 059,160 and 085,090


Public Hearing Teach opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m.  A progress plan including the surrounding properties being identified was presented to the board and public.  Merzi stated that the proposed septic system is indicated on the plan and needs to be submitted to the State for approval.   Merzi stated that he has a compass and tape survey. The following were asked by the board:
1. Will there be any pollution from the material and the response was no as the shed has concrete containment.
2. Will the property will be gated and closed and the response was yes.
3. Will there be any crushing of rock and the response was yes – once or twice per year.
4. Will there be any blasting?  The response was yes, there is a small section that needs to be blasted in order to level the property
5. What will the hours be on the weekend? The response was that the hours for the weekend have not been determined at this time and will be provided to the board once determined.
6. Will there be any exterior lighting?  The response was there will be motion activated security along with a flood light towards the gate.
7. What will be the storm-water management plan? The response was a 25 year storm currently and an outlet pipe is along Potters Lane.
8. What is non-conforming about the building? The response was that it does not meet the setback requirements.  The board advised an Equitable Waiver of Dimensional Requirement approval will be needed from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

There being no further discussion, the public hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m. and the application was reviewed for completeness. A written waiver request was received for the lighting intensity at the boundary.  Phelps made a motion to approve the waiver based on the representation that the lighting will be motion sensors Urie seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously to approve the waiver. Phelps made a motion to deem the application complete pending receipt of decibel information on the crusher and a state approved septic plan.  Urie seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor or deeming the application complete pending receipt of the decibel information on the crusher and a state approved septic plan.

Discussion of possible Zoning changes: A plan of the existing village zone boundaries in Potter Place and the center of Andover was presented along with a plan for the proposed boundary changes.  A public hearing was scheduled for December 12, 2018 and January 8, 2019 for the proposed changes.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Submitted by, Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary