Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes, 10/23/18

By Nancy Teach

October 23, 2018

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Paul Currier, Vice-Chair; Art Urie; Doug Phelps; Jon Warzocha; and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio

Also present: Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator; Dan Merzi; Chuck Keyser, Selectperson; Charlie Hirschberg; Dan Monette

Minutes of September 25, 2018 – Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended

Reports and announcements
1. Moyer advised that, in regards to the non-binding consultation with Michael Prete pertaining to a new restaurant / business to be located at 46 Main Street, the previously approved minutes for October 15, 2015 which was a Site Plan Review for the former Tarte Café were located.  The board stated that Prete should complete a Site Plan Review application for review by the board to determine if there is a significant change of use.
2. Teach stated that the 2019 budget for the board needs to be submitted to Marj Roy, Town Administrator for presentation to the Budget Committee on January 2, 2019.  Another ten to fifteen hours per week of staff time is needed for the Planning Board for a Deputy Zoning Administrator.
3. Moyer indicated to the board that Sophie Viandier’s proposal for a yurt will not be coming back before the board.

Non-Binding Consultation: Dan Merzi – Excavation Business – Tax Map 28 Lots 059,160 and 085,090

Merzi explained his proposal which includes a contractor yard including material sales and excavation.  The property consists of three parcels with a total of 12.80 acres. There is currently a garage which houses vehicles on the property and four storage containers; however, there is room for eight containers. Merzi will be excavating material from two of the acres to create a level area which will include a treatment basin installed.  An existing conditions plan was presented. Merzi stated he would like to enlarge the existing non-conforming building which has sufficient front setback and no record of a granted variance. The board advised he will need to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for an Equitable Waiver of Dimensional Requirement. Merzi asked if he would need an excavation permit and the response was yes.  A full drainage plan will be provided at a future consultation. Warzocha asked if an Alteration of Terrain Permit will be needed and Merzi responded no, it is not needed, as the area to be disturbed is only about 85,000 square feet. Warzocha asked if Department of Transportation will need to be consulted regarding adding drainage into the right-of-way and Merzi responded that area is fourteen to sixteen feet lower than the highway right-of-way is currently. Currier asked if a septic exists and Merzi replied no, however, the final site plan will include one to service a toilet and sink.  

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Submitted by, Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary