Meeting of the Andover Conservation Commission

February 13, 2019 Final Minutes

By Jenny Bodwell

Present:  Jerry Hersey, Tina Cotton, Alan McIntyre, Mary Anne Broshek, Jenny Bodwell, Jesse Schust

Minutes:  Alan made a motion to approve the January 2019 minutes with changes, Jerry seconded, and all were in favor.

Mary Anne distributed a list of grant funding sources for land conservation.

Supply lines with the Source from NHDES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau Environmental News Newsletter from NHDES.

Goals for 2019:
To create a greater Presence for Conservation Commission by preparing monthly articles for the Andover Beacon.  Larry Chase will do a Beacon article for April on financial benefits of Conservation Easements and Jenny is working on a Shoreland water quality article for March.  We will also present more workshops for the community.

To increase conference attendance. There are many valuable workshops that we need to take advantage of.  The next conference is on April 2, 2019, Saving Special Places.

To increase the efficiency of Commission- A greater emphasis will be placed on keeping track of assignments and getting them done.
To move town held easements to a Land Trust- This will guarantee that easements currently held by the town of Andover will have guaranteed monitoring and enforcement.

Action Item: Mary Anne will check with Steve Walker at the State planning office to determine if easement on Newman/McKenna property can be moved to a land trust.

Educational goals – Alan will think about educational opportunities with AEMS and Proctor. Some ideas include Asian/American chestnut tree plantings and a dawn chorus walk.

Members discussed and reviewed list of outstanding items from last year. Members were asked to come up with completion dates for outstanding projects.

Action Item: Mary Anne will send out updated list with due dates added.

Ongoing Projects from 2018
Description Lead CC member
Bog Pond oversight & installation of wetland markers   Jesse
Pollinator meadow by J and B Landscaping Mary Anne
Bradley Lake conservation easements Mary Anne
Eversource Pole replacement oversight Jesse and Alan
Bog Pond town conservation easement Mary Anne
Monitoring of land easement buffer by Verizon Cell Tower Jerry
Monitoring of town owned properties and conservation easements Derek
Monthly Beacon articles on conservation commission topics Jenny
Update conserved lands chart with dates of last monitoring Alan
Water District and town lands conserved around Bradley Lake Mary Anne
Fenvale trail work Alan & Proctor
Learn GIS mapping and creating new CC maps Jesse
Updating of and PR for CC website Alan
Birdseye aerial photography of easements and Bog Pond Jesse
Maintain CC bulletin board at Town Office lobby Alan
Monitor Newman/McKenna and Fenvale easements Jerry and Derek
Site visit organization and comments Tina (All)

New Projects for 2019
Description Lead CC member
Presentation on eagles and falcons Jesse
Presentation on Loons Alan
Beaver Deceiver Tour Alan
Presentation on Bats – May Alan
Dawn chorus walk- May Alan
Presentation on coyotes – April Jesse
Transfer Newman/McKenna easement to a land trust Mary Anne
Presentation on water quality like Oct. 2018 water quality meeting Mary Anne
Rain garden demos on Bradley and Highland Lakes Mary Anne
Forestry workshop Jerry
Update co-occurrence map All

We need to make sure all events are advertised with emails, flyers, get put on the Town Hall inside Bulletin Board, and the roadside event board, weather permitting.

Eversource Site Visit Update:
Jesse updated the Eversource powerline site visit on Feb 5, 2019. In attendance were Jesse, Mary Anne, Jerry, Tina, Vicky, and 3 people from Eversource. The Eversource people drove us up Bridge Street to survey areas of concern. The change of the original route is unlikely to impact archaeological artifacts or wetland. The stone wall will be put back in the spring. They will also be willing to do well testing for any landowners who would like their well tested for diesel or transmission fluid due to the spill. Interested landowners should contact Matt Cardin. Potholes will be repaired on the street due to excessive heavy vehicle traffic in the spring. The powerline area should return to normal in a year, after seeding and mulching. Eversource’s goal is to have a good relationship with Andover as they will be working here in the future.

Wetlands/wetlands ordinance update:
Mary Anne has been working with New Hampshire Lakes and will have a draft ordinance by the end of March. DES is coming out with an interactive wetlands and shorelands map for each town that will go public in April. It will include numerous links to land parcels, permit applications (or lack thereof!), and DES decisions based on the various GIS layers.

Bradley lake:
We continue to work on conservation easements to protect drinking water source lands.

Bog Pond:
A new Bog Pond vision statement has been written, and we are working with the Planning Board to determine the area to be conserved on the town property by the transfer station. Paul Currier is mapping an ideal conservation easement area around Bog Pond. Jesse will be looking into getting other landowners around the pond interested in conservation easements.

Buswell property:
The town owns the Buswell property for non-payment of taxes and asked both the Planning Board and Conservation Commission for input on what to do with it. Comments were sent in on January 21, 2019. Next hearing is 6 PM, February 19, 2019.

Table at town meeting:
Do we want to have one? Town Meeting is March 12, 2019. Will discuss further and decide when people know their commitments.
Action Item: Mary Anne and Jesse will work on this.

Mary Anne has a prime wetlands map from DES and rules regarding prime wetlands that will be in the file cabinet.

Tina made a motion to adjourn, Jerry seconded, all approved at 9:20pm.