Select Board Approved Minutes, 3/4/19

By Patricia Moyer

Condensed from approved minutes:
Members Present:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn and Chuck Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Police Chief Joe Mahoney.  Also present: Steve Bowers
Town Meeting Warrant Article Assignments:
The Board reviewed a list of potential questions and answers that Mishcon prepared in anticipation for Town Meeting.  Please see attached. Tentative assignments are as follows:

Arch Weathers (Budget Committee) will introduce the Operating Budget
White Oak Pit – To be determined after the meeting with the State on Wednesday at 8:30 AM where the Board should have more information
Forest Fire – $10,000 replacement of Gator (Chuck Keyser)
Transfer Station – Expendable Trust Fund (Total of $35,000 broken down to $15,000 for the Transfer Station and the other $20,000 for Town buildings) (Vicky Mishcon)
Morrill Hill Road – Capital Reserve Fund (Marj Roy)

Solar Energy (Vicky Mishcon) – This is year 3 of a 6-year program

Elbow Pond Road Culvert (Vicky Mishcon) – Information is incorrect in Town Report. A typo. It should be $244,000 not $224,000
KENO – (Dave Blinn) A ballot question that needs to be addressed
Appointed Road Agent – the difference is that there is no term limit, the person does not have to live in town, and projects do not need to be put out to bid
The Board will further discuss this and strategy at their meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at noon.

Zoning Board of Adjustment Appointment:
Steve Bowers of Plains Road gave a brief description of his background. Bowers has been in quality control for the past twenty-five years including processes and procedures. Bowers stated that he has lived in Andover for over a year and wants to be involved more in the community.
The Board encouraged taking advantage of trainings available through the Municipal Center and other available trainings. Bowers took his oath by Roy reading the oath of office to him. Bowers acknowledged his duties. The Board congratulated him and all three Board members signed the appointment paperwork to be filed with the Town Clerk.

Guidelines for Visiting and doing Business at the Town Offices:

Chair Mishcon read the new guidelines adopted by the Board this evening. Roy indicated that every employee will receive a copy of the guidelines. Mishcon made the motion to adopt the guidelines. Blinn seconded the motion. All in favor. The Guideline for Visiting and Doing Business at the Town Offices is adopted.

Signatures and Correspondence:
ZBA Appointment – Jon Warzocha as an alternate board member – signed by all three  Board members
ZBA Appointment – Katherine Stearns as a full board member – signed by all three Board members
Timber Tax Bill – Green Acres Woodlands – Old College Road – Map 24-356-600 for $916.20 Signed by all three Board members
Timber Tax Bill – Scott Whitney – 81 Maple Street – Map 17-022-302 for $446.71 Signed by all three Board members
DTC Lawyers – Representation notification for the PSNH-Eversource utility tax case
Response letter to Gillian Smith’s concerns about a property on Main Street –           signed by all three Board members

Post Town Meeting Session with Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs by Marj Roy
Roy would like to schedule a meeting with all the Committee and Board Chairs and Vice-chairs similar to the meeting she had after a Town Meeting about two years ago, but a bit more formal, in an instructional format.

Decisions by the Select Board
1.  Buswell Property on Main Street: At a posted meeting on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 the Board made the decision to move forward to sell the property. The Board took into consideration what the Planning Board and Conservation Commission’s opinions were as to the value of the property for recreational use. However, the Board believes there are other better choices with safer access to the river for recreational use.

  1.  Miano Barn Preservation Easement: At a posted meeting on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 the Board made the decision to give the Miano’s a 25% discount off the assessment of the two buildings. Mishcon explained that the State program is to preserve agricultural building like the Miano’s barn for scenic value. Elbow Pond Road where the property is located is a scenic road and thus these buildings will add to the scenic value. This property was used as a girl’s camp years ago and the barns were an important part of that camp. As long as Miano continues to maintain the two barns, he will receive the reduced assessment for the next ten years. The assessment will change if Miano improves the buildings.

    3.  Conservation Commission: Mary Anne Broshek approached the Select Board at a previous meeting asking whether the Board is in agreement to pursue an easement on Bog Pond and two town owned properties on Bradley Lake. The consensus of the Board is that more information is needed on both.

Road Agent Report by John Thompson
This past Friday, Thompson took shipment of the remaining items needed for the Last Street Bridge project. Everything is here so it is now a matter of organizing the project. Thompson expects to start by the end of the week. Thompson needs to organize with the Emergency Services folks.

The roads are holding up at this point. There are some soft spots, but nothing of concern. Roy requested that Thompson let her know as soon as he needs the “roads posted limit” signs.
Thompson spoke to some loggers in the area about the road conditions. The roads are typically posted anytime between now and Town Meeting.

Thompson reserved about twelve yards of material from the Switch Road project in hopes of reusing the material around town on dirt roads. There was a New Hampshire town that recently reused similar materials on their dirt roads. It was a savings to the town and successful on the road.

Mishcon had several questions for Thompson in preparation for Town Meeting as follows:
1.  Did you request bids for sand? Thompson stated that he requested bids from Clarke, Champagne, GMI, Huntoon, and Hill.
2.  How much of the work will the Highway Department do on the Last Street Bridge Project?  Thompson replied that the workers will do the construction mechanics which is most of the building of the project.

Additionally, Thompson noted that on the Elbow Pond Road Project, the sheathing and digging will be done with outside contractors. This project should take about three weeks to complete without any issues such as weather.

White Oak Pit Meeting with the State on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 8:30 AM.
The Board, along with Thompson, will meet with the Long Term Committee in Concord in the building behind the State Capitol. After the meeting, the State must offer the property to the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority has thirty days to respond as to whether they would like to purchase the property. If the Housing Authority declines to purchase the property, then the Town can then have the survey of the property completed. The last step is for the proposal to go to the Executive Council for their approval.

Previous Meeting Minutes Approval
Mishcon made the motion to approve the minutes of February 19, 2019 along with the two public hearing minutes. Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The February 19, 2019 minutes along with the Buswell and Miano Public Hearing minutes are approved.


Adjournment at 6:55 PM.