Select Board Approved Minutes, March 18, 2019

By Patricia Moyer

Condensed from approved minutes:
Members Present: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Dave Blinn, Chuck Keyser, and Bill Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Police Officer Dan Mori.
Also present were:  Herbie Barton and Kim Pease

The Board entered into Non-Public Session at 5:31 PM by Roll Call Vote:
Dave Blinn YES Chuck Keyser YES Bill Keyser YES
The Board returned to the Public Meeting at 6:30 PM by Roll Call Vote:
Dave Blinn YES Chuck Keyser YES Bill Keyser YES

Reorganization of the Board
After Town Meeting, the first task of the Board is to elect a chairperson. After discussion, Blinn made a motion to nominate Chuck Keyser as the chair. Bill Keyser seconded the motion. Chuck Keyser accepted the nomination and is the Select Board Chair until next year after Town Meeting.

Road Agent Report by John Thompson
General Work – Last week the highway department dealt with snowing conditions. This week, the highway department is dealing with muddy roads. Sand and gravel were put down to help with the muddy road conditions. The gravel is frozen and hard to gather. However, a local steam cleaning business owner offered his assistance in thawing out the gravel with his steam machine. Within two hours, the gravel was thawed enough to use it. The gravel was used on the bottom half of Tucker Mountain Road. Once Tucker Mountain Road is taken care of, Bradley Lake Road from the dam upwards, will be worked on. The road is rough, but is passable.

Signs – Thompson will bring his list of missing town street signs that he has been running for a while to Roy so the signs can be ordered. Thompson will check to make sure the list is complete. Chuck Keyser questioned  if there are brackets or something else that would prevent so many town signs from being taken.

Biennial Bridge Road Report from Department of Transportation (DOT) – Thompson stated that most of the bridge signs are posted.

Last Street Bridge – The hardware they needed came in today. Thompson is ready to make arrangements with the residents on that road to close the road down so it can be repaired.

White Oak Pit Damage – The six pieces of special order pressure treated wood for the Last Street Bridge were damaged while being stored. Thompson will ask one of the highway work employees to check with Josif from Hoyle Tanner and Associates, to find out if those can be swapped out for just 2×6’s instead of special ordering replacement pieces.

At 6:55 the Board recessed to attend the Andover Village District Meeting in the Library.
At 7:15 the Board resumed the public meeting.

Tucker Mountain Road – Kim Pease
Pease told the Board of her concern about the conditions of the dirt roads in Town, specifically Tucker Mountain Road where she resides. Pease stated that the roads need to be maintained regularly. Pease suggested two pieces of equipment that the highway department should consider purchasing. The Board thanked her for her concerns and offered to go visit and meet with her and her neighbors to view her concerns.  The Board also noted that all towns at this time of year are dealing with muddy roads.

Review of Select Board Operation Guidelines       by Marj Roy
Roy provided the Board with a packet with information including the following:
o RSA’s – duties and responsibilities
o Meetings, Non-Public Sessions, and Non-Meetings
o Code of Conduct
o Rules of Procedure
o Meeting Order
Roy briefly explained the different items included in the packet.  Roy also explained that the only additional task for the Chair of the Board is to set the Agenda. Roy explained that all towns do it differently as to who takes care of the agenda. Roy has been doing the agenda in the past. Roy will have a conversation with Chuck Keyser to find out what works best for him.  See attached.
Roy felt that the Volunteer Table sign-up at the Town Meeting was helpful and thought it should be done yearly. Roy was able to get four names of people who are interested in serving on town boards.

Town Meeting Action Items
The Board discussed ways to improve Town Meeting next year. The Board received feedback from people who indicated that confusion was the biggest issue. Next year the Board will review each department and if people want to inquire specifically about a line item, they will address it. The Board feels they missed opportunities to explain all the positive things that were accomplished last year.

Town Administrator Report
Roy explained the office is working on all the paperwork that is needed after Town Meeting voted on certain appropriations, that is required by Department of Review (DRA). The office will also be working towards the yearly audit which is scheduled for the first week in May.

Roy indicated that the office has had a good response to Avitar’s letters on the solar credits.
Roy also indicated that the next set of letters will be sent to verify the exemptions and credits.

Correspondence and Signatures
Intent to Cut – Map 12-725-509      Merzi      Beech Hill Road All three Board Members signed                           
Intent to Cut – Map 23-581-532 Bent 325 Tucker Mountain Road All three Board Members signed
Intent to Cut – Map17-48-426 Clough 680 Franklin Highway     

All three Board Members signed
Intent to Cut – Map 28-309-529 Skow 154 Route 4-A      All three Board Members signed
Intent to Excavate – Map 20-490-291 Caron 30 Bridge Road
Sanders Searches, LLC, Newmarket, New Hampshire agreement with the Town

Previous Minutes
Blinn made the motion to accept the minutes of March 4, 2019 as amended. Bill Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The March 4, 2019 are approved as amended.


Chuck Keyser made the motion to adjourn. Bill Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary