Andover Conservation Commission Final Minutes, March 20, 2019

By Jenny Bodwell

Present: Jerry Hersey, Tina Cotton, Jenny Bodwell, Jesse Schust

Minutes: Review of minutes from February 13, 2019, Jesse made the motion to accept minutes as corrected, Tina seconded and all were in favor.

· Wildlines – Non Game Wildlife Newsletter
· NHDES Environmental News- March and April
· Copy of Dredge and Fill Emergency follow up Application-from DOT to DES Wetlands Bureau-Rt. 11 (culvert that failed on Rt. 11 near Old College Rd in 2017)
· Post construction report on Proctor Pond dredging- from TES Consulting to DES Wetlands Bureau  “In summary, the pond excavation project was successfully completed with negligible water quality issues or adverse effects on downstream resources resulting.”  
· Supply Lines newsletter from NHDES Drinking Water and Ground Water Bureau       
· Americorps letter advising CC of work crew availability – Tina noted that work crews have to be paid and are not free labor. Members did not think of any projects that would require that amount of labor.                                    
· Merrimack County Conservation District newsletter
· ASLPT – thank you for membership

ASLPT Outreach Meeting:
Meeting of outreach committee is April 1, 2019, but other than that Jesse has nothing to report, other than Ben Killham will be speaking sometime in the future.

SWQPA article:
Members approved with minor edits, Jesse will have his friend edit it, and then Jenny will send it in to the Beacon.

Town Meeting Day Table:
Jesse said it went well. The Conservation Commission table included the latest wildlife maps. One showed highest ranked habitat where voters could place stickers where they have seen wildlife and one where voters could identify the habitat where they lived and then check out a brochure that gave information on animals in that area. It also included information on Bog Pond showing maps of flora and fauna that have been identified in the area surrounding the pond, and the new wildlife marker that will be used to mark the Bog Pond wetland.

White Oak:

Tina will determine wording for BOS request. Members voiced concerns for proximity to prime wetlands of the shed, materials (salt) stored in the shed or else where that could be dispersed in a flood event, and pollution from vehicle fluids that could enter the wetland. Tree buffers for rail trail and houses should be maintained. Tina will edit the rough draft and send it out to commission members.

Bog Pond Mapping:
Jesse is working on the following items to be included in map prior to meeting with Planning Board.
· re-located snowmobile trail from northern rail trail to circle K
· prime wetland boundary
· 50 foot minimum buffer to prime wetland
· forest buffer easement for Verizon cell tower to create contiguous easement area with transfer station easement
· outline of new Belletetes building and parking lot

Elbow Pond subdivision:
Alan reported via email that Proctor cannot afford the land at this time.
Bradley Lake:
· Jay Aube (NHDES) will do a site visit to logging road this Spring.
· There has been no progress on obtaining conservation easements but NHDES has prepared a very good map for us that shows Bradley lake with town and water district properties highlighted.  Bradley Lake and surrounding land is a Hydrologic Area of Concern (HAC) and would be considered a high priority for the Drinking Water Grants that will be awarded this year.

Other Business:
The town transfer station will be putting in toilets with water for hand washing, and Jesse suggested to make sure that they have best practices in mind, perhaps getting a composting toilet. Members also voiced concerns that now with access to water, activities such as washing down the hopper could lead to contaminants leaking out into the adjacent wetland.

Jesse said Chris Schadler is available to do a presentation about coyotes, but the cost for the presentation is $200. Members think we should put it off for later in the year to give us time to find partners to sponsor the talk.

Members reported on progress of projects, and as not much progress was made, will report again next month.

Tina made a motion to adjourn, Jesse seconded and all were in favor at 9:24PM.