Andover High School 2019 All-Class Reunion Held

Reminiscing over changes, memories, and passings

By Judy Perreault, Class of 1953
Graduates of the former Andover High School gather for 2019 class reunion.

On Saturday July 6, 2019 we gathered at AE/MS for our annual all-class reunion.  

We started with a tour of the school led by Robin Heinz who worked closely with the renovation team. Robin pointed out all the updates for space and security. We were all interested to see the changes to our school.  There were many improvements since our school days when we went to the town hall (Hub) for gym, basketball, assemblies, plays, and dances. We used to cross the street to the Stone Chapel for a hot lunch. It is nice that today’s students have everything under one roof.

Even with the changes, we could identify where our classrooms used to be located.  We even remembered many of our teachers. We had news that Micheline ( MiMi) White Broadhead passed away in May of this year.  She taught English and French. 

Attendees included Monroe Haley ’41, Charlotte Currier Clark “42, Barbara Stearns Coward ’47, Ann Graves Ford ’49,  Joyce Doughen Thomas ’49, Walter Walker ’49, Barbara Aldrich Sullivan ’50, Margery Walker Piper ’50, Carolyn Thompson Currier ’51, Gerald (Jim) Rayno ’52, Bob Peters ’52, Judy Poblenz Perreault ’53, Howard George ’53, Pat (Toots) Evans Fleury ’54, Shirley Henderson Currier ’54, Jim Minard ’55, Andy Phelps ’56, Nelson Aldrich ’56, Edna Hill Peters ‘ 56, Bernice Clark Nowell ’57, Sue Roberts Hoyt ’58, Eleanor Smith George ’58, Barbara Rising Hayes ’58, Liz Thompson Kirby ’58, Don Cook ’60, Joyce Tilton Rand ’60, Judy Boyd Leavitt ’62, Marjorie Cook ’63.  


We had very few years without a class representative.  We’d love to see some from the missing years next year.  The Class of ’58 had the most members attending. The class of ‘49 was celebrating their 70th reunion.  

Sadly we lost many classmates this year.  Victor Phelps ’44, John Wentworth ’45, Chester Barker ’46, Therea Drake ’51, Louise Frost  Osborne ’54, Jean Martin Putney ’55, Judy Cutler Rayno ’55, Jerry Alley ’58, Jim Alley, Stuart Linc ’58, Margaret Blake Jewell ’60 and John Phelps. 

After a brief meeting where we pledged allegiance to the flag, did our school cheer, and sang our school song ,we decided that we would meet at the school next year, and recognized Monroe Haley for his fundraising efforts for the blind.  With business concluded we adjourned to a delicious potluck lunch. There, we spent a lot of time visiting, as the morning was taken up by the tour.  

Thanks to Gail Parenteau for helping to set up for the meeting, and to Robin Heinz for the wonderful tour.  

See you all next year on the Saturday after the fourth.  July 11, 2020, 10 AM at AE/MS .