Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes, 6/25/19

By Nancy Teach

Planning Board Minutes
June 25, 2019

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Art Urie, Vice-Chair; Doug Phelps; Randy Monti; John Hodgson; and Dave Blinn

Also present: Pat Moyer, Planning & Zoning Administrator; and Rosie Roz

The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM by Chair Nancy Teach.

Minutes of May 14, 2019 – minutes were not voted on due to minor changes

Minutes of June 11, 2019: Urie – Motion to approve as amended; Phelps – Second
Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended

Non-Binding Consultation:  Ron Roz and Rosie Roz ( daughter-in-law )  for a subdivision of 50 and 52 Tilton Brook Road in the Forest & Agricultural Zone and is Tax Map 24, Lot 306,026
Rosie Roz presented a copy of the tax map indicating the property and the proposed subdivision. The property currently has thirty-one (31) acres. The Class V portion of the road ends at the stone bridge and turns into a Class IV road.  There is an easement for the New Hampshire Electric Co-op and a deeded right-of-way to Bruce Adams. The proposal is to divide out two acres and Urie asked where the location of the division would be in order to accomplish this and have 250’ of road frontage for each lot. Roz stated there is enough road frontage to satisfy the subdivision and she is unsure at this time where the division would be. The board advised Roz would have to complete an application and have a survey done and return to the board for a continued non-binding consultation.

As Time Allows
1. The board reviewed the proposed Zoning Ordinance changes and Hodgson asked what the definition of Village is as it relates to Andover’s Zoning Ordinance. Hodgson also stated that Tourist Home is not defined in the Zoning Ordinance as a permitted use.
2. Review fines for violations – there is currently nothing currently outlined in our Zoning Ordinance; it just references an RSA which references a flat fee / fine.
3. Time-line for town warrant articles. Teach distributed the time-line for Zoning Ordinance Amendments for Warrant Articles which the board reviewed.
4. Junkyard Ordinance – Phelps is still working on this.
5. Planned Unit Development – Urie is still working on this and states he would like to meet with other board members to review and have them to provide additional input.  The board decided on a date of July 30, 2091 at 7:00 p.m.
6. Selectboard Ex-Officio Member – Blinn stated that a new police officer has been appointed; White Oak is to be surveyed and information has been submitted to the Executive Council; there is a new supervisor at the Transfer Station.
7. Zoning Administrator – List of Enforcement priorities and next steps. Moyer stated that a resident asked if they could have a garage with an apartment and then build a home at another time.  Moyer was unsure so she brought it before the board. The board indicated that this was okay.

There being no further discussion, Phelps made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.  Hodgson seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of adjourning.
Submitted by, Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary