Andover School Board Approved Minutes, April 2, 2019

By Judith Turk

APRIL 2, 2019
6:30 p.m.

Elected Board Members Dean Barker and Adam Jones were sworn in before the meeting by Merrimack Valley School District Clerk, Christie Coll.

1. ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER-SUPERINTENDENT PRESIDING:  The ASB organizational meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Superintendent Mark MacLean.

Board Present:  Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Adam Jones, Theresa Georges and Aimee Menard.

Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.

Public Present:  Tina Cotton, Dan Mori

2.  ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON:  Brian nominated Dean Barker to serve as the ASB Chairperson for the new term.  Adam seconded the nomination. All were in favor and the nomination was accepted.

3.  ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRPERSON:  Dean nominated Aimee to serve as the ASB Vice-Chairperson for the new term.  Theresa seconded the nomination. All were in favor and the nomination was accepted.

4.  APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE SIGNER:  Dean made the motion that Katie Keyser serve as the Alternate Signer for the new term.  Aimee made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed.


For the PUBLIC SESSION of February 5, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Brian made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the WORK SESSION of February 19, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

For the ANDOVER SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING of March 4, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Theresa made the second. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.

6.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Mr. Mori requested that the Andover School Board explore modifying the current agreement with Merrimack Valley High School, allowing students to attend Kearsarge Regional High School.  The SAU and ASB will investigate legalities and protocol and will follow up with further conversations regarding this topic.

7.  FINANCIAL REPORT:   Aimee motioned to approve the financial report.  Brian made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved. 

8.  BOARD CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:   Dean welcomed Adam Jones to the Andover School Board and thanked him for his service.  He thanked Aimee for agreeing to be the Vice Chair. He thanked everyone for their participation in the busy budget season and requested that the Board is kept informed regarding monitoring of the necessity to access the trust fund as the new school year progresses.

9.  PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:   See attached
Among the dates of events within the Principal’s Report were questions regarding the last day of school due to snow days.  Graduation will be held on June 20th and the last day for students will be June 24th pending no further cancellations.


A.  None 


    A. Board Committee Assignments:   Dean and Aimee will tentatively serve on the Negotiations Committee and Brian will continue to represent the ASB on the Town Budget committee.

    B. Federal Grant General Assurances:  The Board reviewed the guidelines regarding the reporting of the various grants/funds  received by the school district from the federal government. The Board Chair, Dean Barker signed as confirmation of receipt of these guidelines.

12.  MANIFEST JOURNAL ENTRIES SIGNING:    The journal entries for this month will be approved at the May Board Meeting.

13.  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:   Mark reminded the Board of the upcoming SAU Board Meeting to be held at Andover Elementary Middle School on Wednesday, May 1st.  Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the business component will be set for 7:00 p.m. An agenda is forthcoming. Senior Project presentations will be included.  Congratulations were given on a great annual meeting and the collaboration demonstrated with the Town Budget Committee. Preparations are underway for the next school year. 

14. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT:  Randy has been receiving legislative updates and will be working with Jane to revise or implement current policies.

15.  NON-PUBLIC SESSION:  RSA 91-A: 3II (b):

The Board reserves the right to adjourn or recess a meeting at any time to discuss such matters as are properly considered in non-public session in accordance with RSA91-A:3

NON-PUBLIC SESSION:  Adam moved to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II (b) at 7:45 p.m.,  Brian made the second. All were in favor.

Adam moved to go out of non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II (b) at 8:20 p.m. and Aimee made the second.  All were in favor.

Board Present: Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Adam Jones, Aimee Menard and Theresa Georges.

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Robin Heins


Theresa made the motion to nominate the Andover Elementary Middle School Teaching Staff and Administration as presented for the 2019-20 school year.  Aimee made the second. All were in favor and the nominations were approved.

16.   ADJOURNMENT:  Aimee moved to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. and Brian made the second.  All were in favor, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Turk