Franklin Bans Use of Newer Drug Kratom

First city in New Hampshire to take this action

Press Release

Kratom is a fairly new drug however, the Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force and community partners identified it as a potential drug of concern. Kratom has been popular in Southeast Asia, but has migrated to the United States and New Hampshire. On August 5, 2019, the Franklin City Council voted unanimously to ban Kratom, making Franklin the first city in New Hampshire to ban the use, possess, purchase, attempt to purchase, sell, offer to sell, give away, deliver or publicly display for sale Kratom.

Kratom is a plant that grows naturally in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Kratom effects the same opioid brain receptors as morphine and appears to have properties that expose users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and dependence.

 When consumed at a low dosage it makes people more energetic, talkative, agitated, and socially hyperactive. On the other hand, a higher dosage creates a sedative effect, pain relief, and a euphoric experience or dream‐like state. The FDA has listed Kratom as a drug of concern due to its addiction potential and harmful effects.