Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes, September 24, 2019

By Nancy Teach

Condensed from approved minutes:
Planning Board Minutes  September 24, 2019

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Art Urie, Vice-Chair; Randy Monti; Doug Phelps; and Dave Blinn, ex officio
Also present: Pat Moyer, Planning & Zoning Administrator, Jon & Joane Champagne; John Bentley; Dave Powers; Chris Seufert, attorney for Jon Champagne; John & Cheryl Bentley; Larry Giglio; Steve & Jill Colardeau; Jeff Newcomb and Mike Bourque, owner of The Pine Outlet

Public Hearing – Jon & Joan Champagne, Chris Champagne, and Jeff & Kelly Raymond for a Site Plan Review for the installation of a gravel and stone excavation and sales business at 235 Salisbury Hwy and 424 Bay Road in Andover, NH  Tax Map 4, Lots 443/37, 507;61 and 493:37 in the FA District.


The Planning Board will also be considering the applicant’s request for an excavation permit pursuant to the Town of Andover Excavation Regulations.

Teach re-opened the hearing at 7 PM for the explicit purpose of agreeing upon an expert engineer as indicated in Section XIV.  Teach asked Champagne and Seufert if they would be agreeable to extending the 65 day deadline to a 90 day deadline as an expert would need that length of time to review and come to a decision.  Champagne and Seufert agreed to extend the 65 day deadline to 90 day deadline to make a final decision on the Site Plan Review Application. Suggestions for experts were received from Champagne, the Town of Andover and the Lakes Region Planning Commission.

Bentley asked if anyone present had worked with any of the persons on the list of experts.  Urie stated he has worked with GZA as did Monti. Monti stated that unless there were any concerns by the board, the persons Champagne submitted should be the chosen party. Monti asked Champagne if he has any financial ties with George Bower and if he is related to George Bower.  The response was no. Cheryl Bentley stated she has previously worked with George Bower and they can respond quickly. Teach asked the board members if they had any concerns with George Bower and the response was no. Seufert stated that if there are any concerns from the public regarding the drilling, Maine Drilling should be a second choice. Phelps stated that Maine Drilling is not a strong groundwater expert.  Newcomb responded that he was under the assumption that Maine Drilling is very involved with groundwater. Teach stated she would have Moyer reach out to the three outfits on the list. Seufert stated that he was concerned about a budget. Champagne asked for the budget to be kept under $10,000. Champagne asked how Lakes Region Planning Commission had heard about this and Teach stated that the town contacted them due to the regional impact. Teach stated she had received public comment from the Conservation Committee, the Town of Salisbury, and Lenny Caron, and offered copies of the comments to the public present. Teach stated she had received a map of Lois Levick’s property from Seth Greenblatt and asked what it represented.  Seufert stated he would identify what it is. Moyer will reach out to the engineers regarding time needed, a site visit, fees, what they will provide and what they will need from the Planning Board.

An Earth Excavation Application was received and signed by Teach. Teach continued the hearing until October 8, 2019.

Non-Binding Consultation – Stacey Barnes for a campground at 81 Moody Road in the AR/FA Zone on 88 acres Tax Map 4, Lot 482,511.

Burns presented a map of her road and indicated that it is a town maintained road to her property line.  A campground is a permitted use in the AR Zone by Special Exception but not in the FA Zone. Burns stated she has previously operated a campground in Texas.  The proposal will be for operating seven to eight months of the year and each site would be 100’ x 35’ and there would be a clubhouse and pool.

Blinn stated that he has concerns with security, trash and traffic. He asked how this proposal could affect the town in terms of the police department and fire department. Blinn also stated that a sizeable septic would be necessary and asked if she had considered a dump station. Teach stated a Special Exception would need to be granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Phelps stated the board would need an actual plan indicating the sites, dump area, building location, well and septic design. Phelps also stated a variance may be needed from the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the AR Zone.

Non-Binding Consultation: Larry Giglio for Change of Use – Ragged Coffee – on the former Stoney Brook Pine Outlet property at 138 Pancake Road in the AR District. Tax Map 21, Lot 830,560.

Giglio stated he currently does small batch coffee roasting out of his home and would like to relocate to have a retail presence along with his current internet presence. A proposed floor plan was presented to the board. The operation would be some retail, mostly wholesale. Parking would be on Pancake Road and there is room for five spots. There would be no change to the current traffic or parking plan. Proposed hours of operation would be Tuesday and Thursday from 1 PM until 6 PM and Saturdays from 8 AM until 12 PM.

Teach advised he would need to complete a Site Plan Review Application and then come before the board for another non-binding consultation in preparation for a public hearing.
Non-Binding Consultation for a Site Suitability Determination for Dave Powers agent for the Popp’s at Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club, in the RR Zone, for a new home requiring a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Powers stated there are 1,000 acres (250 acres being in Danbury) and 40 homes. Per the by-laws, 50 members are allowed and there are currently 6 members without homes. Prior agreement between the club and the town is the Planning Board has to deem the site suitable for another home to be constructed.

Urie made a motion to deem the site suitable for another home to be constructed.  Phelps seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the site suitable for another home to be constructed.

Minutes of September 10, 2019
Urie – Motion to approve; Phelps – Second; Vote – Unanimous to approve

Additional Items as time allows
1. Capital Improvement Plan – the committee needs to be reinstated which falls under the Planning Board pervue.
2. Timeline for Town Warrant Articles – Teach distributed the timeline for the board review.
3. Junkyard Ordinance – publishing articles regarding junkyard rules by the State and posting them on the town website was discussed.
4. Urie thanked Phelps for all his hard work on these items.

There being no further discussion, Urie made a motion to adjourn at 9:05 PM.  Blinn seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of adjourning.

Submitted by,

Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary