Planning Board Public Hearings to Consider Boundary Changes of Village Districts

Scheduled dates are on December 10 and January 14

By Planning Board

The Planning Board is recommending some changes in the zoning ordinance to enlarge the village districts.  This probably sounds like old news, because it is old news. The Planning Board (PB) put together the proposal last year, had public hearings to listen to resident input, and planned to have it on the ballot for Town Meeting in 2019.  To our embarrassment, The PB missed the deadline to have it on the ballot. So, the PB is bringing the same proposal this year.

The reasons for the change are simple.  Both Andover Village and Cilleyville Village have grown over the years as properties have changed use through the special exception process.  Duplexes and multifamily properties have been created in the areas adjacent to the Village Districts, and small retail and service businesses have been established in the same areas.  The PB thinks it makes sense for those properties and adjacent properties to be made a part of the revised village districts which permits such uses.  

In addition, some properties were not included in the village districts for various reasons – the PB does not think most of those reasons still apply (For example, the PB thinks both sides of a street should be in the same district, and that riverfront lots can be accommodated and protected within the village districts.).  Expanding the village districts will preserve the attractive qualities of our town and ensure orderly development.

The Master Plan identifies several guiding principles as being important to our town.  Those principles include: maintain Andover’s small town, rural character with village centers; encourage commercial activity that builds on the regional recreation and tourism economy; and provide choices in housing types.  Commercial activity and housing types other than single family homes in any district except Village require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment – which increases the time and expense of developing commercial activity or duplex housing.  The current shortage and expense of rental housing underlines the importance of providing places for that kind of housing without the burden of seeking a special exception. The PB thinks expanding the village districts encourages the kind of development and control the town desires.

The Planning Board will be holding Public Hearings to review the proposal to expand the village districts on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 and on January 14, 2020.  It is the same proposal talked about at public hearings last year because it is important for everyone to hear our thinking, hear your thoughts, and share maps. The wording of the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will be available, as well as maps which delineate the current boundaries as well as proposed boundaries.  You are invited to come join us.