Moderator Rules for School District Meeting 2020

By Betsy Paine, School District Moderator

Please practice civility and respect.
Before you speak, be recognized by the moderator. Keep in mind that you should cover all of your points; you may not have a chance to speak again.
Everyone must be seated.
Non-voters must have the permission of the meeting to speak, except that the Moderator will allow non-resident School or Town officials and consultants or experts who are at the meeting in order to provide information about an article to speak.
Everyone has the right to speak. One person at a time at the microphone.
Introduce yourself and state where you live in town. This helps the secretary with the minutes.
If you are asking a question, you may follow up or clarify.
Please add to previous comments, but do not repeat what has been said before.
All discussion is through the moderator.
Motions must be moved and seconded, and the “mover” will have the right to speak first.
One motion/amendment at a time.
All amendments should be made in writing.
Any amendments involving money must include a dollar amount.

  • Only registered voters can vote.
    Reminder: The meeting represents the legislative body of the district. The School Board is the governing body.
    Any vote on a bond issue over $100,000 must be voted on by secret ballot. In addition, any five voters may require that the vote on any article or question be by secret ballot. To do so, all five voters must be present and identified, and the request must be presented to the Moderator prior to the debate on the article.
    Motions to reconsider an article may only be made immediately after the vote on the article, and may only be made by a voter who voted on the prevailing side of the vote to be reconsidered. However, the following limits may apply to reconsideration of an Article.
    a. Mandatory restriction: In accordance with RSA 33:8-a, if a motion to reconsider a ballot vote on a bond issue over $100,000 passes, the article cannot be reconsidered until a reconvened meeting that is at least seven days after the original vote. With respect to a bond vote, the restriction on reconsideration automatically applies without the need for the meeting to vote on it.
    b. Optional Restriction: Voters may postpone reconsideration of any article at this meeting by voting to restrict reconsideration of the article in accordance with RSA 40:10. If the meeting passes such a motion, then the article cannot be reconsidered until a reconvened meeting held at least seven days after the date of the original vote.