Moderator’s Guidelines for Town Meeting 2020

By Jon Mishcon

Warrant articles will be moved by a member of the Select Board or of the Budget Committee, then I will ask for a second from the floor. All motions will be moved so that a “Yes” vote adopts the motion.
When commenting, please speak into the microphone and start with your name. Please address comments and questions to the moderator.
I will try to give everyone who wishes to comment a chance to speak once before giving someone a second go. Anyone who wishes to speak must get at least one chance to talk before I will recognize a motion to end discussion or call a vote. 

In order to give everyone a chance, I will direct speakers to pause after speaking for three minutes. If no one else opts to speak, you can then resume. Otherwise, please allow me to recognize you again after others get their three minutes.
After a motion is voted on, I will ask for a motion to restrict reconsideration. If reconsideration restriction is passed, then the motion cannot be revisited for seven days.
Secret/written ballots must be requested by five voters who are present. Please note these ballots take a lot of time, so consider carefully.
The moderator’s job is to neutrally allow our Town Meeting to move forward smoothly. When I err in trying to do my job, please say “Point of Order” and point out your concern. I will explain my reasoning, but the voters always have the final decision.
A motion to adjourn will be happily accepted after all the warrant articles have been considered.
New Hampshire RSA 40.7 Debate: “No person shall speak in any meeting without leave of the moderator, nor when any person speaking is in order, and all persons shall be silent at the desire of the moderator.”